The city’s permanent residents should really adjust to the needs of the casual, pants-pissing visitor.
The city’s permanent residents should really adjust to the needs of the casual, pants-pissing visitor.
They were usually pretty kind to each other, but they were funny with their “overall experience” ratings which was all you would really see them give. “I’m giving her wedding a 4/10. She looked so beautiful, the food was awesome, and I had the most fun ever. However, it was hot during the ceremony.”
We aren’t using personal attacks because we can’t refute your horseshit. You’ll just move the goalposts, so we’ll personally attack you. Not because we have to, but because we want to, and you don’t deserve any better.
Holy fuck do the people who tighten the straps on your jacket before they tuck you in know where you are?
I’m genuinely curious, do you think anyone in the GOP or his voter base will care? So far it seems like none of them care about Russia or the influence they are exerting on our government.
As someone who has a much, much more taboo (though ultimately benign) fetish, seriously, fuck anyone who is kink shaming him over this innocuous bit of “honestly who really, REALLY, gives a shit”.
Came for asswipe guitar player rating the playing, knew it wouldn’t take long. I’d say “not disappointed”, but...
Exactly. I wish I could go back to my late teens/early 20s and punch myself for thinking the same shit when I was his age. Meh, he’ll learn life isn’t all about dropping f bombs and offending as many people as you possibly can when he runs out of cash.
I think the problem is two-fold.
I like to see more of an actor because I find maybe 1-5 percent of porn stars attractive so if I like someone then I’ve found more stuff to enjoy which is a challenge.
I am really rooting for Sasha! I just love her!
Counterpoint: It’s a foul ball off the bat of Jay Bruce in a meaningless game.
There is a justice system in place to handle cases of a black person shooting up black people at a BBQ. The police do investigate such incidents, prosecutors go after offenders and assholes like that end up in jail.
I am also very, very tired of the “invisible sky daddy” bullshit, it’s incredibly condescending and myopic. My church is a progressive, welcoming, and diverse community and attending it has helped my mental health immensely. This article (written by a Muslim man) does a really good job of explaining why: https://www.b…
Then let me at least amend what everyone says, to say: some people care and will be looking at you, and I guarantee that those are the people you want to stay away from, in and out of the gym. That kind of judgment in vulnerable situations is a reflection of them, not you, and has only and everything to do with their…
That sounds like my worst nightmare.