
But if you’re a small theatre company in Chicago, reviews are how you get the word out to get people TO your production.

I used to be the artistic director of a teeny company in Chicago and we would audibly groan when we heard Hedy was coming to review our shows. Her focus rarely seemed to be on the merits of the production and more than a handful of times I’ve seen her announce how much she dislikes a play before the show even starts.

This statement really put the nail in the coffin as it insulted not ONLY LGBTQ couples but straight couples with IVF children. Look, I already fought off the old Catholic ladies worried that my gorgeous, incredible IVF conceived daughter “didn’t have a soul”, I don’t need assholes like D&G calling her a “chemistry

Here come the Trumpets!

69 is basically eye to eye

Maher still hasn’t grasped the fact that misgendering and misnaming trans folks is dangerous and leads to their deaths by straight, cis, men who cannot handle the fact that trans people exist. He does this all time, especially when it comes to Caitlyn Jenner (a person I loath for her politics and shitty behavior

Look at you JAQing off.


Blind is an adjective, genius.

Dang, I had hoped those Germans would be more enlightened.

when you find occam’s razor but instead use it to cut your own dick off.

He’s like Phaedra from the Real Housewives of Atlanta!


“whilst out at da club” lol how many neck rolls are falling out of your THESE COLORS DONT RUN hat

These are the worst John Lennon parody lyrics ever.

I love Kenya. I can’t even really explain why, but I do. Her phone conversation in part four (“I don’t have time for that. Not today, not next week. Not next Wednesday at 3, not even Friday at 1.”) may be my favorite thing ever said on the show.

How is pranking these assholes hurting victims?

Maybe he finally looked his daughter in the eye… And then came in it.