We can attempt to compile a record. People need to call their GOP reps and ask their offices how they voted. Then report back to journalists who are trying to keep a tally, such as Josh Marshall at Talking Points Memo.
We can attempt to compile a record. People need to call their GOP reps and ask their offices how they voted. Then report back to journalists who are trying to keep a tally, such as Josh Marshall at Talking Points Memo.
FYI you are being ridiculously patronising and dismissive when you suggest women who give blowjobs in a relationship are just forcing themselves to do it so their relationships don’t collapse. Kind of gross how you demand the whole world should have sex the same way you do or else they are either monsters or victims.
If mine looked like that they’d be out 24/7
Can’t remember exactly why, but NYC tends to have this thing about low-flying planes showing up
It’s a very depressing thought. I prefer my kids to know there are some fucked up things going on, but we can do things to help. And people tell me I’m a pessimist. They haven’t met this lady.
Welcome to the age of outrage. For good or for bad, stories like this will get the Reddit treatment, where people who never heard it will compete to out-rage each other. Great that people “care” (do they? or do they just enjoy the feeling of raging against authority... you could make up a fake story and the internet…
Of course she didn’t answer the protest question. My guess is that she thinks black people should just shut up and be grateful they get to live in America.
But do you actually enlighten this guy? I live in Trump Country. It’s not been my experience that rational and lively debate changes minds any more than screaming, because it’s actually pretty extraordinary to change someone’s mind. That’s usually something that only comes from lived experience, not from earnest…
You knew he was black.
I think the only thing that is surprising to me is just how openly Baylor is essentially saying, “We don’t give a shit!”. I mean, they aren’t even trying to do the standard lip service you expect from big money athletics where they make statements about how stuff like rape and domestic assault are really, really bad…
A Keurig in the front office?
ok but, WHY was that salad eating scene so awkward??? Why so much lettuce in one bite???
Ripping an apple is certainly one way to show your hardcore.
Katie emotionally eating lettuce at the end of this clip is everything !
Honestly, no matter what happens on this show I’m watching it until it limps off to the grave. I used to watch it with my late grandmother and because of that, I’m committed until the end.
Spy! The trailer made it seem like another har-har-Melissa-McCarthy-is-fat-and-gross shtick movie, but it ended up being HILARIOUS. So much better than the stupid trailer.
HA! You are obviously not a true Trumper. A true Trumper would have said that all 900 incidents are false flags performed by the libtard Left to smear the lovable, peaceful alt-right and push their SJW agenda.
You last sentence reminds me of this, the best tweet ever from the best twitter: