
I’m trying to think of another circumstance where a new temporary boss could come into the workspace of a woman who is the most important and senior employee there, yell at her on how to do her job, and somehow get lauded by Jezebel.  So far, nothing.

Ooooh, I didn’t forget. Thing is that I wouldn’t call Luke Wilson’s zero-personality/agency love interest in Old School a “notable credit”.

Hey you forgot she played the love interest in “Old School”!

On the other hand, a privileged white lady yelling at a Black man is a very, very bad look.

Seems like some pretty normal on-set heat-of-the-moment work shit? No? People disagreeing and raising their voices? Perhaps I’ve worked in the restaurant industry way too long.

I call bullshit on that part. Ms Pompeo may be taking artistic liberties with her version of the story. 

Denzel Washington is very well known in Hollywood to be a dog with women, and kind of a jerk (an average one, not to the level of abuse). He gets away with it because he’s 1) super hot and very famous, and 2) has this ridiculously large family that he’s always showing off. I’m sure there are lots of valid reasons to

The real moral of the story here is that yelling at your director works out sometimes if you do it with conviction and fearlessness in your heart and also if you’re white.

I’ve talked about this before. I had a fear reactive dog. He was genetically fearful. He was dumped at a shelter with his litter mates. That’s a high stress environment especially for a puppy and a fearful puppy at that. Then he was attacked by an off leash dog during a fear period. It was very minor and probably

it feels very silly that this “article” mentioned none of this and just ended with a snarky “well I doubt it’s worth that much lol but go off

My dog (25% pitbull according to DNA test) is a giant baby who's scared of literally everything and hides behind my 6 year old. My golden retriever might kill you over a piece of cheese if she's having a bad day (she's very old).

$850,000 seems like a slightly alleged high price point for a dog attack that occurred four years ago and yet wasn’t important enough to file a lawsuit over until now

I had the misfortune of seeing her live (she opened for someone else). Every “song” was just a series of unintelligible high-pitched noises and she made sure to point out how important the backup dancers were to her performance.

I want to say they both suck, but I just feel bad for Grimes. Always hiding under a character and comes off as afraid of being seen as old and uncool with a kid so she says more outrageous edgy stuff like “my kid doesn’t call me mom!”

Bah. The studies show the number of parents is more important than the gender of the parents.

I always thought that appreciation of big butts was somewhat of a good sign (better than anorexia, etc) but clearly ANY beauty ideal seems to cause harm. Depressing.

I went on vacation to the beach one time, and got so tired of men bothering me that I went to a store and bought a “wedding ring”. The woman who helped me said she kept a special selection of likely looking wedding rings for unaccompanied women who were buying them for just that reason.

When I was in my 20's I was told to wear a wedding ring at work, even if I was single, because it would stop men from hitting on ‘another man’s property’.  This is so perfectly demonstrated by the Cuomo bros.  Women’s bodies and feelings aren’t even a part of the equation - you are just a man’s property

a promo video of civilians enthusing about the movie

“Patted.” Such a cute, friendly word.