In the few pictures she’s posted since she had the procedure done, her chin and neck are covered, so I’m guessing she had the surgery to remove a wattle or double-chin and it backfired and deposited fat there instead?
In the few pictures she’s posted since she had the procedure done, her chin and neck are covered, so I’m guessing she had the surgery to remove a wattle or double-chin and it backfired and deposited fat there instead?
Had to do it - found a photo of Evangelista. It doesn’t just look like she gained weight, it looks like her face in full of fillers or that puffy look that the face gets when someone is on a lot of steroids (thinking cancer treatment here). I think it’s sad she felt like she needed a procedure in the first place, but…
Talk about some who, over the course of decades, has consistently maintained who they are as decent, powerful and influential people without sacrificing their integrity or dignity. Cassandra, Dolly, I am at a loss to come up with more names. Lord knows most athlete’s fall off their heroes pedestals as time and truth ca…
lol, what’s the fact? yeah, snl hosts are typically performers (although Kim is a performer herself), and typically there to promote some movie or tv show, but there’s also plenty who were not either of those things. donald trump, rudy giuliani, peyton manning, tom brady, elon musk, lebron james, john mccain. plenty…
Perhaps, but that’s never mattered for SNL, at least for a first time host.
That is interesting to know! I wonder if it was never offered to her or if scheduling just never worked out. Understandable why she might be bitter. I don’t think it’s smart of her to take to twitter about Kim though.
TBH I’d rather see Peyton Manning host again. He’s got his ESPN 2 show, the College Bowl show, and aren’t he & Eli hosting Monday Night Football now? Or was that a one off? If you come to Indpls he owns a couple restaurants, and he established a Children’s Hospital.
On the list of SNL hosts that would offend my sensibilities (my monocle budget has taken a hit as of late), any Kardashian is below influencers, most professional athletes and politicians. Not a Below-Replacement-Level host, to steal a sports parlance.
Seriously. Kim K hosting is WAY more appropriate than any of the jackasses you mentioned. And she does have a sense of humor about herself--I’m sure she knows what she signed up for.
Whatever you think of Kim K, whenever I’ve heard her in interviews, she seems to be a reasonably nice, and somewhat charming person.
I only saw part of the interview but Jennifer Hough’s pain, trauma and ptsd were so obvious that I have tears in my eyes and a tight throat as I type. Sis talked of deliberately dressing to prevent a repeat occurrence. Just devastating. Women are punished for not being considered attractive and women are also punished…
Accurate user name.
Hi Jezebel! It’s me again, former sexual assault and domestic violence prosecutor, asking you to stop using the heinous term “accuser.” No excuse at all here, wherein formal charges were brought (wouldn’t happen if there wasn’t very solid evidence), and a conviction through a plea deal. Stop being afraid of being…
People who are trying to move on from a mistake don’t threaten the people they previously wronged or have their wife put out false information about their victim. The thing about “cancel culture” that we haven’t reached yet is that someone can serve their time legally speaking or even go away for a while, but the…
If someone is running with wolves, it is very likely that they themselves are a wolf.
For good/bad her fans are totally in denial that she’s anti-vaxx. They believe her spin that she was “Just asking a question” and was totally planning on getting the vax she just had some reservations and was innocently researching and all these news pubs just want to make her look bad. I don’t know which is worse but…
And supporting a brother who is a child rapist.
Between her cousin’s friend, and whatever her husband told her, I’m beginning to think Nicki might bite if you tried to sell her a bridge.
Let’s not forget that Nicki also implied on her radio show that Jennifer was white in order to invoke some really f*cked up Black man being wrongfully accused narrative. That’s after she also tried the “They were in a relationship” lie. The whole thing was so boldly disgusting but her fans will believe literally…
something really disturbing about sticking with a convicted rapist