
And nowhere in his interviews did Alex Trebek ever mention Mike Richards. Why? Because Mike Richards did even join the show until 2020, months after Alex announced he had cancer. He was not even on the show a year before his death. Richards came on board with the plan to become the host of Jeopardy from day 1. He has

Two excellent Black candidates along with quite a few decent white candidates, but rather than make a bold, progressive move, the rich white wanker hires himself. Welcome to America.

Someone leaked a draft of his acceptance speech:

It was definitely BJ Novak. They can still be friends if he made a writing suggestion many years ago that ended up being hurtful. She probably didn’t call him out because they’re such good friends. 

John Krasinski wasn’t a writer on the show. I’m pretty sure it was BJ. Paul Lieberstein (Toby), Mindy and BJ were the only writers/actors in the first season and I doubt Paul would have suggested that Toby tell Kelly she should lose 15 pounds. That wouldn’t have been in character.

Mindy once talked about how a journalist who did a profile on her mentioned in the article that she ate jam on her toast and described it as confident or something similar.

I’ll take “Karma is a dish served steaming hot” for $2000, Mike TBD...

This and more; just because they may not die from it, doesn’t mean they won’t suffer from lost wages as a result of extended hospitalizations, not to mention exorbitant hospital bills (cause even if they’re not intubated, a hospital stay of any amount is expensive when you don’t have healthcare,or rejected “ObamaCare”

I always found it...interesting, I guess?...that for all the problems plus-sized models are supposed to address, they’re still stunningly gorgeous people. Like, yes, they are slightly larger than what we expect of models, and representation is good, but it’s hard to imagine most people looking at drop-dead gorgeous

no matter what bullshit these idiots pull out of their asses to appease their viewers, the proof will be in the body bags. They can blame anyone else they want except themselves for the role their “you’re not the boss of me” bullshit played in letting the pandemic return, but ultimately they’re the ones who will die

So it’s even worse that the Texas Democratic officials returned to Texas. Now the slew of inhuman laws that Republicans are pushing can go forward because they have a quorum.

I mean we knew it was coming right? They tried to blame old people, then migrants crossing the border, then the Afghan refugees that hadn’t even arrived yet but when all else fails we knew that Fox News & The GOP would go back to page one in the playbook, BLACK FOLKS. That is right, blaming us is their Lombardi Packer

Speaking of Miss Ann, did we discuss the one who was caught on tape not minding her business talking shit to a homeowner about her tigger flag?

I would like to include the “Karen” who somehow has black children in her care (adopted? grandchildren) but nonetheless spews racist shit in their presence or references them WHILE spewing racist shit.

She looks like the latest evolution of the Jurassic Park spitting dinosaur.

Karenosaurus Rex.

What in the ever living fuck happened there?  That’s gotta be a wig.

Looking back, the most stressful arrests I had to make in my career were arresting white women. I ALWAYS had at least woman officer with me (preferably white) and others when dealing with women like this. White women, when taken into custody, go from full Ashleigh to Miss Ann during the whole process:

Remember an Ashleigh can also be a Hannah, Breleigh, Camryon or Stefanie. They also joined a white sorority but dated lots of black guys so they cannot be racist. I feel that the full impact of Karenology needs to be a college course. We could call it Critical Bitch Theory: How to use Yoga Pants, Pumpkin Spice and

Don’t forget Susan/Susie/Sue.