
Idk if it was the retro clothing, the intensity of chess, or what but I wanted to do just about everyone in The Queen’s Gambit. 

Agreed. That ring is fugly. The blurry hand tattoos aren’t helping.

Your pain will accompany you but it won’t always be driving the car. One day you’ll realize its color has changed, or its texture. It will occupy a smaller, dustier room in your heart.

It’s funny isn’t it? I had an on-again/off-again, never-got-the-timing-right kind of thing with a guy throughout college and I was telling my friend a story about one night with him the other day, and I couldn’t remember his name! I eventually remembered it, but it’s bizarre that I used to cry over this guy and wonder

I agree, though if they’re putting up real Christmas trees now, there’s no way they’ll last through Christmas. I personally would not want to buy and decorate more than one tree, but I can see why people with kids might be willing to do so as a fun, wholesome holiday activity.

But is it not also her house? If he was becoming abusive, I can see why she hired security. Idk, seems messy, but I think it’s fair to say they share the assets.

I don’t think it’s childish to feel that way. I am extremely close with my father and love him dearly, but I would never forgive him if he almost killed my mother through selfish actions. Some things are truly terrible.

To be clear, micro doses of psilocybin will be legal for therapeutic use, so it won’t be like heading to your shrink’s office to trip your balls off.

Chihuahuas are considered the bravest dog breed. If they were even a little bigger, they’d be downright ferocious in the right situation!

#notallrepublicans lol. 

Thank you! That’s exactly how it sounds, and is apparently true.

For sure! I don’t think it’s prudish to say people shouldn’t be masturbating while on Zoom, ffs. If he really needed that, uh, release, he could’ve taken five minutes in another room during the break to do that. No excuse for doing it in front of his computer while on a call with his colleagues.

So not even death can spare us from unpleasant men :(

Yeah...if realizing you terrorized an innocent family because of drugs isn’t a wake-up call, I can’t imagine what is.

What an absolutely awful experience! I’m so sorry you and your husband had to go through this. Thank goodness your kids slept through it and that the dude didn’t get to you in the small bathroom. Your husband must have nerves of steel to handle that so well. It’s too bad the check can’t be mailed directly to your

Each of those makes my “best of” list as well! I have to actively try not to think about the Iraq soldier one...it freaks me out too bad if I’m alone at home.

I think there is something to this. I am slightly attuned; I tend to pick up on energies that others don’t. When we first moved into our current place, I felt there was the spirit who was not ready to leave their home. After talking to my landlord, I found out that he had purchased the house from one of his church

I never thought I would admit this to anyone, but I, too, had a thing for Carville. He’s oddly captivating.

This seems like a blatant ripoff of the book “Too Fat, Too Slutty, Too Loud: The Rise and Reign of the Unruly Woman” by Anne Helen Petersen that was published and critically acclaimed in 2017. Am I missing something?

In high school, I rode the train to a neighboring state and stayed with an EXTREMELY sheltered friend for a few days out in the country in the hopes we would meet up with our other friends from camp who lived near her, one of whom I had slept with and was trying to again. Sadly, our meet-up plans kept falling through a