
Given the awesomeness of McGann, there'd have been much buzz.

Yeah, that's why I wanted a multi-part miniseries just before the Anniversary Special called "Time War" with McGann's Doctor (and Bernice Sommerfield!) to re-introduce the character.

Oh, yes; if we were stuck with that whole ham-fisted plotting, at the very least, the Valeyard should have been his nom-de-guerre!

True, so true. I love Hurt's performance and wept openly at his effortless portrayal of the character's humanity (ironic, given that he was playing a Time Lord), but I'd still trade that performance for the deletion of such a foolish idea as a "War Doctor" and the insertion of the wonderful McGann, who would have

Oh, noes! How can you say that? I guess we're going to have to agree to disagree! (In my defense, I actually have seen every single episode of the first Doctor's that still exists, so I have a legit basis for my opinion.)

It would have been a beautiful and meaningful stamp on the canon to finally really bring Doctor #8 into the visual mythology during the big Anniversary episode (I know he has a rich Big Finish history but it's just not the same.) The War Doctor seems like he was pulled out of their butts, he throws off the count and

Pics or it didn't happen!

Yeah, that's what I just posted: the caretaker of The Great Machine. Kind of on the nose, isn't it?

Any Babylon 5 fans reading this? Am I the only person who thought Simm was channeling "Zathras" from B5? All of the Zathras characters (they were all brothers or clones or something along those lines, all named Zathras, all identical) were caretakers of the Great Machine. The Master was disguised as a caretaker of

Honestly, McGann should have played "the War Doctor" instead of John Hurt, much as I love Hurt. It would have taken the slightest tweaking of the dialogue to tailor it to the Eighth Doctor and bring him into the fold with a significant role in the Anniversary show. Now we all have to cast about and wonder if Hurt's

Hey, if you guys ever need to win a bet, bet a Who fanatic that they can't name all of the actors who played the Doctor. They always miss Richard Hurndall, who played the first Doctor in "The Five Doctors" in 1983. He looked like a twin of William Hartnell's, and he played the character pitch-perfect in that episode.

Ha! I googled a review just so I could see who the heck she was and what episode she first appeared in (and did I miss it.) That was very odd how she was just dropped in as if we should know her.

McHale would be great! He's currently being somewhat wasted on an occasionally amusing sitcom.

When he goes on a show as a one-off or limited shelf-life character, he always manages to stick around a lot longer than that.

He should have played Jim Butcher's magical detective, Harry Dresden, on The Dresden Files, instead of the perfectly awful guy who played him. It would have run for 10 years.

If this is that thing where "bad" means "good", then yeah.

Ooh, when I was a sweet little nerdlette geek-girl in high school, I'd have been all over Eric.

He's just this guy, you know?

The bride and/or groom can put a stop to this at any time—it's their day and they are ultimately in control of what happens at the reception. As the cake was brought out, I said, quietly, to the new Mr. Teenygozer, "I'd really prefer you didn't do anything gross like shove cake in my face" and the new Mr. Teenygozer

I hate to tell you this, but I feel like I kinda have to. I hate that people are afraid to be upfront about women's concerns and bodily facts—I'm old enough to have lived thru an age where you couldn't even have an advert for tampons on TV because, "OMG, THAT'S ICKY AND PRIVATE AND WE DON'T WANNA SEE IT!" Screw that.