
Right, I agree he’s the 1%. I just was disagreeing with you saying his hobby was uncommon. People in my poor hometown have weekend places (trailors on a lake or river) they go to hunt/fish and travel to other places (even other countries) to do this. It’s not a weird/elitist hobby. It can be a “bad” one if you

Wow. Inexcusable.

Maybe you can explain this to me. It’s great investigative journalism... but it doesn’t uncover anything which is why I don’t understand a lot of Gawker reporting, and even think it’s harmful. What’s the point here? Celebrities shouldn’t go online? They shouldn’t do anything normal people do? They shouldn’t have legal

I mean it is common, my family is poor and they do those things. It’s obviously not common for you, but poor people where I am from, it’s very common.

Not really sure how it’s great reporting? It definitely is in the sense that she does a good job making sure its truthful that these are don’s accounts, but what’s newsworthy about it? “Massively disliked person goes online”? “Massively disliked person has a massively disliked hobby?”

I mean that’s the thing, big game hunting brings money that people aren’t going to give otherwise. I’m of the opinion that it’s not up to us to tell them not to take dumb white people’s money.

Eh. It’s not like he’s trolling.

Hm more interesting then that the boston bomber was on the cover.

“Though not the first time a famous woman has been photographed topless for the magazine, it might just be the first time the woman’s nipples were unobstructed or uncensored.”

Public entertainment is a purpose. You think it’s a bad purpose, that’s fine. But there’s obviously a purpose or else it wouldn’t have happened.

Isn’t this good? Aren’t we trying to convince dumbasses that rape doesn’t usually happen in a back alley with a “dangerous” stranger? The “brilliant” boy next door has a rape problem. We have a rape problem.

idk maybe a journalist writing a story about them

Why is the lead image this ancient pic of Khloe and Kim?

idk im pretty much obsessed with any case that there’s this much information about. it’s no fun getting into cases where you can’t find tons of info.


This is the story Jezebel should be covering. I’m so tired of it just be about ad-hominem attacks on the Trumps.

Honestly, all this Ivanka coverages is really trying too hard to make a villain out of a non-villain. The original interview wasn’t a gotcha moment. This tweet is not a gotcha moment.

... but it’s not an incident? It wasn’t a rape joke, it was a reference to a meme about a guy who is comical, but is anti-rape... and that part wasn’t even brought up. Just the existence of the song.

I respect her, but imo she ruined Cosmo. It used to be fun sex stuff and true crime, now it’s just trying SO hard to be respectable and it’s never, ever, ever going to be respectable. I hope it goes back to just being trashy fun.

Wouldn’t it be better to have a non-academic co-teacher if the person like, came up off of instagram? This isn’t how Tyra made or maintains her fame.