
“Literally the whole last week of her campaign”

Looks like another victim of a ...

This is a bad take. Trump was the most beatable candidate the GOP could have produced, and the Clinton folks managed to piss away what should have been a slam dunk.

At the very least, the “wanting to make out with family members” part works.

I happily voted for her, but she and her campaign deserve the blame. I have no idea how they couldn’t figure out how to beat that guy but sitting around and not campaigning in formally industrialized states and just hoping he’d shoot himself in the foot was not a good strategy (obviously)

And this is why the team can foot the bill.

Fuck off, 538 was probably the most bullish website on Trump. When something that has a 1 in 3 chance of happening actually happens, you don’t pretend prediction is broken.

“Clemson routed South Carolina 56-7 Saturday, cementing its spot in the ACC title game...”

I just calls them like I see them, and I see a shitload of proto fascist racists supporting a kleptocratic ignoramus. Sorry your feelings are hurt.

I absolutely love Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride and would prefer it not be changed. To me, it is just as fun and charming as it was when I was a child. The last thing I want it Mr. Toad’s 4D Journey Through INFERNO.

On Pandora, you’ll find floating islands, buried unobtanium, and unusually large uncanny valleys.

Your choice of verbs sucks.

It was the message for the past 8 years. And it terrified white America. Minorities, LGBT and women were getting too confident expecting to be equals.  

“Incredibly active voting wise” is a good way of phrasing that they use bots to bring every post to 3000 upvotes.

If you choose to do an AMA, you are asking for it. You’re making the choice to put yourself out there.

Someone should have told him to make a throwaway account for the AMA, problem solved.

Hey look, you figured out how opinions work! Congrats!

Deadspin would never be associated with a media entity that would publish an ill-advised item. Never!

This is a weak take of a far better and more interesting piece of writing.

If you can’t understand there is a difference between Republicans and Conservatives, you probably shouldn’t write about politics.