Caesar right in the pussy!
Caesar right in the pussy!
I thought he was saying “gerbils.”
I think they`re missing a lot of english literature...
This gives me hope that one day, Barron may be a dreadlocked budtender freeganing his way through Tucson and giving long rambling interviews to whoever will buy him a beer.
3a. Her boss is crooked and has significant real estate interest in the NY/NJ area and plans to grift the shit out of HUD.
There are entire university departments dedicated to urban planning and design, and America, though young as a country, has made contributions to the history of architecture with greats like Buckminster Fuller. American design experts are in international demand, creating environmentally friendly plans for quickly…
Macmillan Macaroni. He’s the worst.
Mine is Churchill Bean.
Hmmm, Wellesley Wedge. It could work!
it works! i came up with Major Wedge :)
Unrelated, but I came up with a process of generating Gossip Girl names that I’m VERY proud of: for your first name, you pick the last name of a British prime minister and for your last name, you pick a salad. Thus: Blair Waldorf. (My Gossip Girl name would be Thatcher Cobb.)
Audiences and critics are so stupid. Don’t they know there’s nothing more fascinating than a white man in his 50's running around, pretending to be Indiana Jones?
I disagree.
People surrounded by gunmen to protect them from the fury of those they’ve robbed, disenfranchised, and oppressed seldom worry about lone gunmen. They know their security details have them outgunned, and are likely better trained.
I think now is the perfect time to be a dick about this.
People like you are the problem.
No, people like me are NOT the problem you fucking ignorant asshat. People like Scalise are the goddamn problem. People like you, who use “people like you are the problem” unironically are, ironically, the goddamn problem.
Yeah, fuck these people. Scalise voted for the AHCA and got a good chunk of change from insurance and pharmaceutical companies and health professionals. Brooks is a Freedom Caucus member, so he can go to hell, too. Worst thing they’ll have is a traumatic memory, but they have insurance that allows them to get PTSD…
Until that “apparently” is confirmed, perhaps don’t share un-sourced rumors? Thanks.