
CNN has been all about drawing this false equivalency between Trump and Clinton this entire election cycle -- as if their hiring of Corey Lewandowski, the fast-talking, female pundit-interrupting man literally caught on tape assaulting a reporter he didn’t like, was any ambiguous sign. It’s infuriating. In their zeal

What I understand even less is how anyone could possibly think Trump will somehow stand up for the little guy instead of blatantly supporting his fellow rich a-holes once he’s in office and nobody can do anything to stop him. How does a real estate developer have blue-collar appeal? How can anyone think he’s not just

With five bullets in the chamber.

I’ve always been more troubled by this anecdote I tell people:
Back when I was waiter, Cheesecake Factory was seen as the best place in town in to work at, but they wouldn’t even look at your application unless you had some previous, high marked experience in an another restaurant. By the time you even got an

Is Donald Trump not part of the “moneyed elites”? The billionaire who inherited his wealth and has spent his adult life jetting from penthouse apartments to penthouse resorts, and back again? He’s a real man of the people that one.

It’s not rolling the dice, it’s playing Russian Roulette.

Hillary’s response should be “I will if you will.”

That’s when I stopped reading.


I think you have the right idea. Democrats need to be loud angry-asses (no offence, not aimed at you) and get everybody wound up the way the Republicans do. Maybe if we scream loud enough it will bread the mesmer-svengali transfixication Trump has on the media and they will stop saying candidates are equally bad.

If you are a traditional Democratic voter who chooses to vote for Gary Johnson or Jill Stein or just not to vote, because you “don’t trust” Hillary Clinton, please go ahead and consider yourself my mortal enemy.

ISIS wants Trump as President SO BAD.

Your whole theory falls apart the second they see some 350 pound white guy with a Giants jersey on and a Make America Great Again hat on CCTV planting the device. You are really going down the rabbit hole with this one, and completely ignoring the fact that groups like ISIS want him elected. Trump supporters aren’t

Plus, it being Chelsey, any casualties would only be to opposition.

Except, it’s not. Not if you educate yourself and see exactly how Hitler rose to power. He always said crazy things, yes, but much like Trump he also made himself marketable despite having said crazy things.

That isn’t the point I am comparing. I am talking about the way he feeds of the fears of a portion of the population, blames a specific subgroup for all of the country’s problems, and claims to be able to quickly fix all the problems the people face.

Yeah because Trump supporters are all sane and not saying crazy things online. Posting white supremacist crap and wishing Hillary dead. Go on The Blaze and read the comments. Read the comments on Foxnews.com. Read tweets to Hillary on her twitter account. It’s very disturbing.

Oh god. Now there’s a scenario I hadn’t thought of.

No, its to dissuade people from moving here with unreal expectations that they’ll live in huge loft apartments, buy Louboutins with their assistant level paychecks, and then afford appletinis every night at the local VIP only discotheque.