
I have to ask, my morbid curiosity is overpowering my common sense, why would a doctor want a guinea pig guillotine ? I mean, other than the obvious Puglesy Addams reasons, what medical or scientific reasons ?

Should read “no one” [ typing on phone]

Since no got hurt, that’s a wonderful story, Derby for Dog of the Year !

Now I'm on the express bus to hell for laughing more

I'm going straight to hell for laughing so hard at this.

Totally, they looked to be starting to dry hump

Is Trump now wearing baseball caps at all outdoor events/photo-ops ? keeping that bad-boy under wraps .

CNN is giving him cred for higher speaking fees on the conservative whack-job lecture circuit; the only reason he is “running” for president, is to keep the lecture fees coming in.

What is the better way to do things, in this case, access to health care, that conservatives would like to implement ?

Wasn't there the whole dust up about Bill having Christophe come to Air Force One for a haircut for some absurd amount.

Whereas ‘confirmed bachelor ‘ is not a positive thing

As an assimilated New Yorker from Pennsylvania 27 years ago I think you are setting the bar pretty low for New Yorker’s self esteem

You forgot the S/ for Sarcasm.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg is an 82 year old pancreatic cancer survivor. She can’t possibly last another 4 years. The only way we are guaranteed a liberal replacement for her is if there is another Democrat in the White House, otherwise we will have another Scalia or Thomas as her replacement. Are you and your “liberal

That is really pretty, almost like Central Park...who knew ??

Agreed. And I'm seriously envious of that hair.

You’re welcome.

“...nonsensical 9/11 agenda...” Dude, your tin foil hat is screwed on way too tight.

Sarcastic, yes . Extraordinary no, low-brow to juvenile a more appropriate categorization. Contradictory, yes.

Your response totally negated your original comment. Well done sir, well done.