teenage lightning 2016

I’m still trying to get my head around the fact that she’s quoted in the linked article as saying:

Gee, if only we had a system for disseminating information! We could specially train people in research and writing, so they could investigate complicated issues in order to explain them for lay-people! Someone get someone on the phone for me.

Sugar is a HUGE contributing factor for hangovers, so if you opt for something less sugary than flaming bowl drinks, you’ll probably feel better in the morning. Also, Excedrin is a miracle cure for hangovers- I feel like a paid spokesperson but I can’t tell you what a revelation it was when I first discovered it. Even

Wow, that explains a lot! Several years ago, after an intense breakup and moving to a new apartment, I got insanely paranoid about bedbugs. Never had them, just constantly reading about them and searching floor to ceiling for any signs of them in my new apartment. Soon enough, I broke out in some kind of itchy hives

Here’s a picture of another dress in the same collection- it has the same type of material but in a darker color so it’s easier to see the details:

This is very helpful- I’ve had conflicting thoughts about the issue (transitioning in childhood), too, but given this information it seems a lot more reasonable. The only thing I don’t understand is that taking testosterone seems like taking it to the next stage, beyond merely delaying. Are those effects reversible? I

This is the whole point- if these idiots got their way and everyone was required to use the bathroom of their birth gender, then Buck Angel would have to use the women’s bathroom, even if he didn’t want to.

Ah, but this is one of those instances in the English language where the rule changes. Possessive pronouns don’t use apostrophes- just like hers, his, or theirs- since the spelling alone indicates the possessive. I guess it’s been your mistake.

Ha, I see that now! Sorry, I really did check to see if anyone else had posted the same thing, but I failed to look at pending posts... I do like the Thenardier comparison, as well.

Now playing

Except that’s Jean Valjean, not Javert. Here’s a good one:

 I must be the only person who finds this whole episode irritating, but then I am a hateful person. It just screams “actress needs all eyes on her, all the time: news at 11,” combined with cocaine and her tendency to overact. Attention seeking behavior at its basest.

Jesus! I just went to PP for my regular STD checkup and paid $260 out of pocket for THREE tests. I was miffed because it used to be free, before my state got rid of a program that covered female reproductive health, but then I looked at the bill and saw that I still got a fairly substantial federally funded discount

I don’t understand this logic- it’s fiction! In the Star Wars universe, fictional Leia is more important than real-life Carrie Fisher. I’m sorry but that’s just how it is! Keeping Leia’s plot arc as was intended should be the first priority- not preserving it as a monument to the actress who played her, no matter how

I was just coming here to say that.

I guess it goes to show the current state of affairs that my immediate assumption on reading the headline was that she died.

I get what you’re saying, and in general I understand the problem with whitewashing in media. Ghost in the Shell is a great example. However, after hearing the explanation- that they were purposefully trying to avoid a racist stereotype, and in turn replaced two white characters with non-white characters

I’m a functional alcoholic. Can I be head of ATF?

Okay. But to bring it back to your original comment, which was “Why should that bill make anyone mad?” It’s because, contrary to what you seem to be implying, Muslims are in fact every bit as (if not more) at risk as Christians in that region. You said it’s about “fast tracking the most vulnerable groups” but there is

I’m referring to you saying “they’re not committing genocide against Muslims” and then when I point out that, yes, in fact, they are, you say “well, that’s just ONE SECT of Muslims...”

Ah, the old “no true Scotsman” approach! Classic.