
Exactly this.

Like a bleached Natasha and Boris.

Nice try, but next time you might just go with "oops."

There’s something that feels sooo cartoonishly corrupt about literal gold bars.

I’d be willing to bet that if you told Americans that the targeting and oppression of non-trafficked, consenting adult sex workers was a major externality or side-effect of tools like Thorn, a majority would say something to the effect of “if it helps save even one child...”

I don’t really care if they were talking about soda before the guy answered the door. That said, yeah, it’s awful that the only response the police seemed to have was “what can we charge this child with”. It’s hard to imagine a better way to ensure that the actual perpetrator would never face justice.

Either that or she realizes there's no reason to be married to someone that's going to be in the can for the rest of both their lives

I see the problem right here: people are taking Twitter/X/whatever they’re calling it this week seriously.  Half the weird comments are bots, and the other half should not be dignified with any kind of acknowledgement. 

This is NOT new.  Milton Berle and Bob Hope were doing the most family-friendly drag performances together in the 1950s as part of a variety.  Only now is it being attacked; I really hope people are curious as to “why now”?  What is different in 2023 that drag is being criminalized and literally attacked (i.e. death

Is it adultery when the divorce is already taking place?

Liberal Redneck had a video making broadly similar arguments. :-) He expressed regret that *she* is the one representing white trash, when it could be someone who actually remembers their roots instead of coddling up to the wealthy Republican elite all the time.

How is it a hit piece if it’s factual?

Jennifer Hudson’s show is also going back into production. I’m guessing her publicist told her to keep her head down and avoid doing what Drew is doing. This is literally the THIRD time we’ve heard from Drew and it doesn’t get any better with each attempt.

Oh no. Not her CONTRACT. That’s clearly way more important than her reputation and worker’s rights. She might have to get another gig, which is obviously utterly devastating to people in TV and never happens.

she didn’t just take a picture during the show (she didn’t know it was against the rules-what idiot doesn’t know that?), she took a picture USING THE FLASH, thus ensuring maximum annoyance for those around her.
She really is as stupid as she is portrayed

“Hey, I need that money to maintain my very expensive boat. Also, I am bankrupt.”

No need to insult sex workers.

What does he consider a nice restaurant? I’m guessing it’s closer to Sizzler than French Laundry.

I grew up in Miami, so Fall typically means the first maybe chance of non-swamp weather, and the always merciful end to hurricane season.

I still haven’t had sex with a man, and I’m 31. (I’ve only had sex with one person - a female friend.) There was no one I knew in high school that I wanted to sleep with who wanted to sleep with me. I didn’t feel attractive for a long time. I didn’t want to date anyone when I was unemployed because I felt bad about