
Mack losing his daughter hit me HARD. Harder than I'd expected certainly. I kept hoping the writers would find a way to bring her over to the real world, but no.

Sure, the "world without Hope" line stretched the metaphor to near exhaustion, but damned if I didn't choke up seeing Trip and Hope waiting for Mack in the hallway. As a black man who has grown accustomed to seeing characters of color killed off these shows with depressing regularity, Mack choosing his fate felt

I am only familiar with Trump's comment on Nancy O'Dell. What is it with conservatives and furniture? "How about this ottoman? Speaking of things you 'oughta' do, can we have sex?"

I just don't understand why Heelan is running at the beginning of every scene in which she appears. Is TV news THAT hectic? Makes her character seem unstable.

I laughed out loud at the TV host offering to take the production assistant furniture shopping. Great burn of our real-life Emperor Cheeto.

I thought the last episode, "Self Control," as epic as it was, would end up as a setup for a disappointing followup. Instead, "What If…" was another solid episode of a pretty great season. This season has been as strong as any for Marvel's TV properties. (Disclaimer: I haven't seen Legion yet)

Thanks. And it's "spelled," over here.

I could not care less about "Voyager" or "Enterprise," but "Deep Space 9" really deserves the high-def treatment. The last great Trek show, IMO.

I probably cheated myself of some of the finale's impact by binge-watching it over the past couple days. Good show, though. Funny as hell at times. Sad as hell at others. Deep. If my commenting helps encourage AVClub to stick with its second season, all the better.

I always thought she was too skinny, but she's looked nice in boy clothes. For the record, I dig Garnet types but Amethysts are more fun LOL

Yeah, what up with Pearl? She's been kinda hot the last few times we've seen her.

I went from the movies to the books and back to the movies. I'm not familiar with Brett's interpretation, but after a quick look on YouTube he's a little disheveled relative to how I've envisioned character.

Basil Rathbone was (and is) Sherlock Holmes to me. Any portrayal shot on color film feels somehow "off" to me.

"You think it'll be the white kid?" made me laugh harder than I have at anything this show's done in a long time.

I'm a fat man and no, we don't wear "exactly the same clothes as thin men." Fat men have to buy larger sizes and actually pay a premium for the extra fabric.

I'm very encouraged by the notion that Traci Lords makes it to Heaven.

Time Warner needs to drop this guy. He has no respect for the genre, for its history, its creators, its characters, its classic storylines or its fans. He helped screw up "Man of Steel" and fans of these characters have NO reason to expect he will do anything good with them going forward. And before anyone mentions

THIS is the guy Time Warner is trusting their potentially billion-dollar superhero movie franchise to?

When Worf answered Nog by saying, "Find him and kill him!" I laughed harder than at anything in Trek before or since.