
The dollar is backed solely by the “full faith and credit of the US government.” Meanwhile, the bitcoin is backed by the “full faith and credit of reddit or something I don’t know”

Good. It was a currency backed by nothing. It had no inherent value. Go away so I can afford a video card again.

Your point still stands, however. The trendy thing seems to be to hate on DC and to sing the praises on everything marvel does. It is getting to be beyond ridiculous. My only real gripe with BvS was the horrendously corny turning point that establishes the friendship between Clark and Bruce. Other than that, I

The second and third paragraphs of the article sum up the crux of the argument and rely on verifiable fact. The article is too long and goes too wide, sure, but those two paragraphs are key.

Perhaps you think there’s nothing wrong with the contractor structure, and how nice for you if that’s the case. But the finance