
I didn’t realize the Netflix algorithm became smart enough to comment on a gizmodo article.

So you’re telling me in that scene from Minority Report, Tom Cruise is just checking those guys’ temperatures?

It helps to remember that Microsloth could care less about what people actually need or want, but rather how they can get new license fee money.

The opening scene of the movie was great, the rest was trash and I wish they’d start all over again. It needs to be so much closer to the web series Mortal Kombat Legacy and that will sadly never happen. Hopefully they’ll get it right when they reboot it again in another 20 years. 

You can install the Google Play Store on Windows 11 too.  Tutorials are already out there for it.  I am sure Amazon paid some ungodly amount of money to be the default for this. Very dumb for Microsoft to go for it.

I see you, you see me
Watch you scream at me
When you’re making a scene
Oh girl, you’ve got to know
What my head overlooks
The glasses will show to Google
When it’s watching for lies
You can’t escape my

Google Eyes
They’re watching you
They get your every move
Google Eyes
They’re datafying you
Google Eyes

And then Disney buys Microsoft.  And then Amazon buys Disney.  And then the Vogons demolish the Earth to make way for a hyperspace bypass.

Best review on Amazon:

Best review on Amazon:

These ETBs only retail for $49.99, don’t buy from online scalpers.

These ETBs only retail for $49.99, don’t buy from online scalpers.

It doesn’t make sense that their lowest model isn’t a device for 409$ with 128GB of NVMe SDD storage.....instead they give 64GB of eMMC. The hell? That’s just stupid and shows them being intentional assholes about storage. The other two are 256GB and 512GB, and they’re 120$ apart from one another. So yeah, their


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I’d watch it if I could hear the important conversations, but Nolan doesn’t think that those are an important part of the movie.

I’d watch it if I could hear the important conversations, but Nolan doesn’t think that those are an important part

How is that not the worst possible picture to pick for this article?.............Seriously. *Warning Spoilers, but here’s a big huge spoiler that we don’t give you the option to unsee. My bad!* SMH.

No, you fucking stay here and own this masterpiece of a comment

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So I guess No Time to Die just needed...a little more time to live.

I spent a few seconds going through my other tabs because I thought there’s no way there’ll be such a loud soundtrack drowning out the voice.

Music in the video is WAY too loud.

I can’t hear a word you’re saying, but I like the article. 

There were words?

Agreed, that mix needs to be adjusted. I actually paused the video to confirm I didn’t have music playing in some other tab.