
My favorite thing about the Oakland A’s is the entire team plays on top of really kick ass long boards. Outfield, infield, mound guy. They all just look totally chill on those badass long boards, zooming around in a fast way without looking too stressed about it. Where is the first baseboy going? Maybe to get some

And to think that this is merely the first of two interviews the Cowboys require before signing a player.

It’s more likely to be a suicide note.

Wu Ke mistake.

Hey! That’s the lock code on my luggage!

Hayden’s doctors predict that by next season, all his fears will have been forgotten.

Baker was so unaware of the alleged Chapman incident that he wrapped up his press conference by announcing that if no one had any more questions, he would be leaving in order to make it on time to tonight’s John Lennon concert.

Whoever he is, he just blew by Rubio and Bush in the polls and is nipping at Carson’s heels.

he’s done it while playing a style of basketball that’s more than a little reminiscent of college-era Lamar Odom

I’m a 23 year old Braves fan. Tommy wasn’t much younger than I am when he first popped on the scene as the next big thing. Just getting his start in life like I am now. Just sad to think about how quickly it can all come crashing down at such a young age. Death is such a strange concept to grasp at my age. Growing up,