
Uh oh, is Roger going to release a rap album now?

Sweet's "Ballroom Blitz" would fit right in with Rocky Horror Picture Show. Or at the very least, make Beef from Phantom of the Paradise sing it.

Sometimes I feel like reviews like this don't serve a purpose. It's clear that the writer did not like the direction the band has gone in over the last several albums. It doesn't seem objective to review an album when the writer doesn't like the specific genre and direction the band is going in, or can at least

So, we can pretend "The Omega Glory" never existed right? That episode was so laughably 'Murica it's hard to watch.

The Decline of Western Civilization Part IV: Mama's Family

Protip: The Beatles made no skippable songs. Even the bad songs are absolutely essential.

Also, RIP, super talented. One of the greats on SNL.

Demonic raisins, I rebuke you!