Michelle is my First Lady

Come on homie! This is the second health scare that you have had. I know you’ve been blessed with new opportunities but don’t let said blessings come at the expense of you not taking care of yourself.

I think she needs to then better express her issues... Because if I am reading the same letter you are reading, the money for her child is a mere half-sentence.

How do y’all know what your exes are doing? She shouldn’t know shit about his life unless it’s when and where they’re exchanging the child. I mean, really. I don’t know where any of those negroes are or that even they’re alive unless they contact me...and I ignore them. If she’s having economic difficulties (which I

Discalmer: Single mom here dealing with a similar plight

So what though? Once they got divorced, how he lives beyond child support is not her problem. Worrying about the next person is messing up her life. I’d take the L and move on. There’s a reason she has custody and child support.

First, get my name out your mouth. I’ve never even seen you nekkid, mmmkay! We have never, EVER had sex.

If you can’t use a toy properly and safely, i can’t fux with you. Problem solved.

I think the throw Dustin in to tests the waters.

OMG!!! I hope every woman is paying attention to this!! It took me over 10 years to figure this out. I spent way too much time take really long to “clean up” after we were done because I didn’t want to hurt his feelings about not doing the job.

We got to stop telling women to be ashamed of their nekkidness. It would be better all around.

Counterpoint: Don’t fuck ‘em

Welcome back, Agatha! You have returneef to quench our thirst. On a Tuesday, even!

Yea. I had a gentleman catch an attitude because I took charge and HE wasn’t responsible for the outcome. This people are real.

Is that Agatha? Like for real, for real? Or is my mind playing tricks on me?

“You work in accounts payable” get off this whole internet. AHHHHHH!!! lol

Aggie byke?!

Saw Agitha and Immediately dropped everything (including these proposal submissions)


Agatha’s baaaack!!

*whispers* people with kids die alone in nursing homes. Having kids is no guarantee they will want to be around you when you’re old.