
Another Trump fraudster. Harvard student? No. Fashion model? More like PR placement. Pro skater? Where? Poet? More like bad lyricist - to be charitable. Religious Jew? They really don’t intermarry, so even that doesn’t check out.

I loved the r kelly skit! Kenan’s impression is weak but his delivery and essence is strong. In contrast, Jay had great impressions but never left me laughing too hard. I’d like someone to be able to do both but if I had to pick, I choose Kenan.

Yeah. I recall his mother being the manager, but he was at another store that day I think and he clocked in and out.

You should tweet about him - I’d be happy to retweet and amplify. Oh! I wonder if Derek Waters / “Drunk History” would be interested in doing a show about him. Something I’ve noticed about that show is that it works hard to elevate the voices of groups of people that history isn’t normally written about.

I saw The Passion at age 14 when my Catholic high school bussed the entire student body over to the movie theater to watch it the day after it premiered. Because I was already an atheist and also a wannabe anti-authoritarian punk, I thought it would be funny if I loaded up on snacks and made a running MST3K style

The Passion is basically anti-Semitic, Jesus torture porn. 


fixed the headline for you.

Who cares if HRC called him, where are his tax returns?

“That’s Duchess Prostitution Whore to you Teresa.”

We can all relate to an animal who’s just focused on eating and rummaging through trash.

I mean, say what you will about Elizabeth Holmes, but my god is she an amazing pioneer in the field of gender equality for massive corporate con-jobs. 

During that scene, my cat leapt onto the coffee table and batted the remotes onto the ground because I hadn’t fed her in the last 35 minutes.

The scene with Roland and the dog was so well done. Dorff acted the hell out of it.

So I guess those of us who thought Roland was gay (and having a relationship with Tom) were incorrect. Or at least the show chose not to reveal it, or leave the possibility as subtext. I’m glad Roland found his canine companions, though. That scene with the stray dog was heartwarming.

I hope everyone is listening to the Drop Out podcast on this woman. This woman lives in a fantasy world. I just hope her wolf is living a good life!

Balto tells everyone his owner is a criminal nutjob.

You know, many people don't know that McCarthy was a Republican. Did you know that? A lot of people don't know that but it's being recognized more and more. 

He literally described himself as an Independent in that press release the other week saying that he was going to give a response to the SOTU in addition to the Democratic response.

For as much as he talks about this monolithic The People, Bernie sure does seem to only view himself as the one who should lead it...