
Hold my beer - 50 cents an hour.

I guess we all have our work cut out for us.

Did she check his ethnicity before she stood so close to him? 

The other disturbing thing about that video is Trump’s hair.

The whole point of getting into politics, if you aren’t a fuckwad like Sean Duffy or Donald Trump, is to change things for the better. You don’t work your ass off and put up with shit like this because you hate America. 

Except their right to form a well regulated militia, ie a bunch of fucking idiots running around with loaded guns proving they won’t be told where they can openly carry a firearm. 

The Way We Were!!! You want “two people who loved each other but couldn’t make it work??”

Seeing how popular the movie is, I’m going to guess that most people are happy with the ending. 

At least she’s not a mermaid, then the shit would really hit the fan. 

Trump and people like him get elected when the other party practices purity politics. Sitting out an election or casting a “protest vote” because the person on your party’s ticket doesn’t match up with every wet dream of every voter gets us nowhere.

It was after the first conviction, the one Acosta botched. 

I love the podcast.  When the elderly woman left the voicemail about playing bridge, I was walking back into my office building and literally had to stop and hold onto the wall for a minute I was laughing so hard. 

Is this next season of True Detective?

Crowley said AOC won because of his popularity, which indicates the level of white male delusion going on. 

Did Gaga already have the baby? She sure didn’t look pregnant in those pics from the Stonewall/Pride celebrations last week. 

Andy Cohen.