
You guys are so far away! You should come closer,” she urged, not unlike a witch preparing a hearty child stew.


In the episode Joan said Bob had been married before, and he left Wife #1 for her. Was this dramatic license? You mention Joan as his first wife.

Me too. Figuring it out and living half way across the country.

I loved Hank thinking it would only take, what 2-3 hours, to train his guys to be assassins. 

I remember when I was young and thought I knew everything, and made fun of people who ended up knowing a lot more than I did. 

Nancy’s right, altho the way that comment is presented is your basic Nancy & AOC fighting click bait. Wasnt’ Jezebel calling Nancy a bad ass a couple months ago for taking Trump down?

Same here, for Veep, and What We Do In The Shadows. 

How many dog mayors do you guys have now?

She’s trying to hold the line during the campaigns, to negate the Fox News line “these Commies are going to destroy America”.

I think he just had a thing for one of Ripper’s victims. 

I think the little LARP girl Nadja turned will be back, she just wasn’t in this episode. 

I thought she was secretly dating Seth McFarlane. I know he’s not the most popular person around here, but they are very good friends. She even appeared on his tv show. 

It’s a shame Beyonce can’t afford a new pair of jeans. 

Yes I need a fancy room. 

Yes that was hilarious. 

I know.

Years ago a coworker asked me if I wanted to come to his mobile home where he lived with his mother and play Dungeons and Dragons.