
Yes it is. Your mother wants you to call her.  She can’t remember if you like macaroni salad and she’s making it for dinner this Sunday. 

Well spoken. 

Yes Brian, she has a staff that helps her prepare for hearings, etc. But she approves everything. 

Hey Nikki!

I’m a Taurus and sometimes we just like being alone. We aren’t being dramatic, we just like solitude.  Plus after 18 or 21, birthdays are really just another day. We all have them. It’s kind of silly to force a celebration. 

I haven’t had any type of soda since 2000, when I had a kidney stone.

This will not hold up in a court of law. 

I was okay til “God Only Knows” started playing because it makes me think of my dog and I lose it.

I don’t know Chad, why don’t you clean out the protein shake blender this time.

Have you seen Abducted in Plain Sight? Those parents may win the award for Dumbest People on the Planet - 70s version. 

When the fuck did he have time to write music? 

Maybe they can ask Bernie to release his tax returns and explain that foundation he & Jane shut down “so it wouldn’t look inappropriate, as in, their son was getting $ from it”. 

Me neither. And I was very supportive of Rep Omar’s statements not being anti Semitic, just perhaps a clumsy way of criticizing the Israeli/Palestinian situation and the Israeli gov’t, which is well deserved. 

I’m hoping for another “Groupon peen” tweet. 

I was listening to an episode of the podcast “Dumb People Town” the other day, and in one of the stories, two women get into a fight at their kids’ school. Like hit a car with a hammer, ram the car with your SUV, then flip it.

Me too.

Not related to the quality of the show, but when Idris was doing his monologue, and mentioned twice that he had been on “The Wire”, it seemed like there was no reaction from the audience.

If your self worth is tied up in what college your child gets into, you need therapy. Or to be smacked upside the head. 

Now playing

Kevin shows how it’s done.  Me not waste time with so many word

Hell she could have been talking about Trump, she was criticizing anyone who has loyalty to countries other than the US.