
"People need to stop using comedy as an excuse to be ignorant and hatful"

Sarah Silverman has a joke about sending every person with AIDS to the moon. And it is hilarious. If this woman was trying to be funny, and it's clear that she was, we should afford her latitude to make a joke.

"Yeah, sorry, no. Something is ether offensive or it's not. "

I've heard a ton of funny AIDS jokes.

Instead, maybe we should be teaching people to not be so sensitive to the things someone they'll never meet in real life say on Twitter.

"It came across as something a comedian would say, yeah. But, she's not a comedian "

"Is this woman a relative of yours or something? I can't think of a reason outside of nepotism that anyone would even THINK to recontextualize this as you have."

Who cares?

No, you're interpreting my words to mean something that they were not intended to mean. People are free, by their nature. People are then placed into a society that, in some form or another, oppresses them. Some people are more oppressed than others, depending on the society in which they live. You're choosing to

How could I interpret myself incorrectly? That doesn't even make sense.

Actually, this topic was Male Rights Advocacy. which I said was ridiculous. I also said that humans should be treated with dignity and respect, because they are humans not because they are one particular gender. You created a strawman to destroy in an attempt to push your narrative.

I hate MRA.

No, I'm not telling you what your life has been like. Not even a little. All I said was that people are born free. Period. You decided to take that to mean that I do not believe they are placed in social constructs that oppress them. You decided what I meant. You're being combative for absolutely no reason.

To recap: I make a statement. You tell me what my statement meant. I say that you are not correct. You say that "we're done here." Got it. You seem rational.

No, it most certainly does not ignore that fact and it does not display any ignorance. You're choosing to interpret my stance in that manner, and you're completely wrong for doing so.

Men don't get rights because they're men, they get rights because they're humans. "Men's rights advocacy" is nothing short of ridiculous. It certainly is not counter-factual to say that rights are a product of your humanity, not your gender.

How in the sweet holy hell do you get that out of my comment?

So, what was the point of your venom then?

Ugh, are you serious with this? You're arguing with me saying Male Rights Advocates are silly, and that we need to focus on upholding the rights of all humans, regardless of gender, race, social status, religion, etc.?