
One of the defining characteristics of a government is that they have a monopoly on the user of force in a given area. That's not remotely the case in medieval Iceland. People freely associated with each other. That is all. They had laws and leaders, and found a way to organize their society for 300 years without

Why does she lie about Hannibal, who was a badass, taking Rome? ...Ugh, is it because her errors are correct?

I'll watch it, but I want everyone to know that MHP is a complete hack before I do so.

It looks ridiculous. Has Joan Rivers discussed it yet?

Doesn't she have implants? That sort of takes away from things.

"Yes, you ought to say something to him! "

"And there are free market types and some libertarians who are against even the type of agencies you cite here."

In general, you are correct. The flu vaccine, and vaccines as a whole, have been HUGELY important for mankind. They've probably done more to improve western quality of life than anything else. They're absolutely amazing.

"Here, libertarians have a hard time since the pure free market types don't really believe in or provide for mechanisms whereby people can even learn about fraudulent activities. "

"I don't know best for everyone, but the CDC kinda does."

If you want to have a small government, one of the things it would do is prevent fraud. I assume you want some government, and I could live with it though I'd prefer no government whatsoever, so let's agree that fraud should be illegal. The reason it should be illegal is because it eliminates the ability of an adult

You don't see how I can view something as Good and not want to force other people to accept it?

". For fuck sake, there is an entire television channel dedicated to scrutinizing famous people, especially woman...it's call the E! Channel."

Post of the year!

I'd have absolutely no problem with that. As long as the seller wasn't lying and committing fraud, who are you to tell other adults what agreements they can and can't make?

Yes. I don't have the authority to force others to do anything.

I have no moral authority to prevent anyone from doing anything. I could recommend that people treat others, and themselves, with dignity, respect, and kindness and that they act intelligently and thoughtfully, but beyond that, who am I to dictate anything to anyone else? I'm a flawed individual. I'm certain that I