What if a kid doesn't want to be aborted, and a parent insists? These are all personal choices. Leave them up to each individual.
What if a kid doesn't want to be aborted, and a parent insists? These are all personal choices. Leave them up to each individual.
I think a lot of people confuse "dislike," "jelly," and "fake."
Not to go all Holden Caufield on everyone's asses, but I think "fakeness" in people is generally really easy to spot. Nothing I've ever seen from Jennifer Lawrence leads me to believe that she's fake.
I think we can all agree that Megyn Kelly is pretty awesome, though.
Oh, it's dangerous. Better add some laws against it to prevent people from doing what they want with their own bodies! Especially women! And children! This hurts women and children! We must protect them from themselves!
Is this an argument for a law against raw milk? Shouldn't women have the right to drink what they want to drink?
"I have heard of worse pacts, for example the Warsaw Pact. But not many."
What is she killing? I can't find "its" antecedent!
No one has a natural affinity for it. You're no different than anyone else. People do it because they like the results.
" Human beings are physical animals. "
Was there a reason to report these results with such snark?
Gee, I wonder where with-holding awards, praise, and other things that could lead to career enrichment and financial gain based on mere accusations could lead.
Agreed. Innocent until proven guilty is, more or less, the most fundamental principle in our society. ....but at the same time, football players so regularly get away with EVERYTHING that the cynic in me will always question any effort to prove guilt.
Arguing over word selection and usage is completely ridiculous and overly simplistic. It wins nothing and advances nothing. What matters is the speaker's intentions, and the words they select are an imperfect way of deciphering motivations particularly when taken out of context, as those interested in being outraged…
I have no idea who this dancing woman is. Should I?
This doesn't offend me as a future parent, it offends me as a person who likes to offend people.
"who believed that one of her neighbors had stolen her dog"
As a man on the internet, I have no idea what Miranda Kerr is.
Agreed, and?
You'd think that the strict definition of "respecting" women in islamic circles would sorta prevent... you know... blatant disrespect for women.