Strictly anecdotal, but everyone I know - EVERYONE, male or female- would rather be with someone who has muscle definition and general level of fitness than a thin out of shape person.
Strictly anecdotal, but everyone I know - EVERYONE, male or female- would rather be with someone who has muscle definition and general level of fitness than a thin out of shape person.
Haha, we should pride ourselves on letting ourselves go!
If she doesn't enjoy what she does and the public spotlight that comes with it, do you think that articles like this, which critique her every word and comment in an attempt to be outraged, contributed to her change of heart?
Wait a minute. A latino person asked her to generalize the entire culture, she did, and you're outraged at her?
Can we just say that being fit makes you better at physical activities, that working out has been shown to keep you mentally sharp, that eating healthy has been shown to have oodles of benefits and that most* westernized people find those who are fit to be more attractive?
Wiccans are real?
This is one of the earliest Gospels. It's pretty interesting.
Say what you will about America, the way we treat each other, and our cultural norms, but holy lord almighty, at least we're doing as ridiculous and obscene as some of those middle eastern and Muslim nations.
I just Googled and found this:
So, it triggered a recollection of an event that never happened to you?
"91.5% of Egyptian women say that they've been groped by strangers in public"
Why don't they just hire the best people, instead of hitting whatever quotas you and others may or may not set for them?
"Anything please to improve SNL. Its like eating a loaf of wonderbread soaked in a bowl of whole milk. Even with a couple black cast members. Seriously. That show needs some edge and chance taking."
This is pretty much the definition of a Token, right?
You, AND your husband, cried over an episode of South Park? Really?
"Personally I was shocked that South Park took on such a deep issue, and presented in a moving, and somewhat heartbreaking form. "
Suns are passionate?
So, we agree? Thanks for the venom, though!
lol, what?
Pure lies!