Wow, really? As a guy, I would. Her hair rules. Her everything rules.
Wow, really? As a guy, I would. Her hair rules. Her everything rules.
I know and work with plenty of women who have had children, taken time off, and come back as strong and productive as ever, without a hint of sexism preventing them from regaining their footing.
Does the study compare a man in a specific position of a certain age and experience, with a woman in the exact same position, of the exact same age and experience?
"Pew found that 51% of millennial women and 55% of female boomers believe that it's easier to be a man than a woman. For boomers that's certainly true,"
And as we know, most people on Jezebel and other outrage-related platforms really hate context.
I like this company. They've already achieved a really impressive level high brand loyalty. Good for them, and I hope things continue to move along smoothly.
Um, what? Don't they sell almost exclusively to women, or something?
"the girl looked "deflated" after the abuse."
I agree with your sentiment, but I hate the implication that a person can't prefer people they deem attractive, based on whatever evaluation system they choose to employ.
What is fair? What is unfair? Who defines these terms?
Judging by literally every comment, it is probably just you.
Her music makes her seem a whole helluvalot more mature than your standard 17 year old, though.
Everyone gets judged by their looks. And their personality. And their sense of humor. And their intelligence. And any number of other things.
Jezebel is also proof of that, for the most part. All of the internet, really. To take it a bit further, any forum or medium through which the mass of humanity can express a thought provides ample evidence that almost every human is unworthy of expressing a thought to others.
I don't know what that has to do with anything, but I've never actually met someone who found Michelle Obama sexually attractive.
Absolutely agree. Yuck to Danica for this.
Have these people ever been to a comedy show before? Way to take jokes way, way, way too seriously.
She's not even a little bit attractive. Where did this myth that she is beautiful come from? It is ubiquitous on liberal blogs, but it exists nowhere else.
I'm not a fashion expert, but that dress looks horrendous.