
As a tall and therefore always uncomfortable traveler, for me the best thing about the SkyMall catalog is that removing it from the seat-back pocket in front of you provides a blessed extra half-inch of knee room.

@Pope John Peeps II: That's not how I read it.... I don't see major publishers as being evil enough to steal a writer's proposal and immediately turn it over to someone else. (Especially one represented by an agent, who would presumably stop submitting anything to that publisher.) It really makes more sense that

So the publisher received two similar proposals two weeks apart, and decided to accept the one from the wealthy and attractive semi-celebrity? What a surprise!

@KarenUhOh: Which is the one that only allows Presbyterians?

@newtojezebel: Hoo-boy.... Okay. Jezebel and Gawker are two different websites, with two different themes. However, one will often link to a post on the other if the content seems fitting. And, yes, you have commented on Gawker, much to the annoyance of its readers.

yay... i haz lost all mah weight!!!

He truly believes that if he can capture the expression of a diabetic 80-year-old black blues singer, he'll magically become one.

In fairness to Nick Kristof, he probably e-mailed them a 1,400-word response to this question, which they edited down to 10.

The other side to this story is that magazines don't do this because they think it's fun — they do it because that's what gets women to buy magazines.

This isn't the worst I've seen. But I love the way they changed her right hand into a forearm.

I think she copied her handwriting style from the only piece of literature she brought to prison, a "Love Is" greeting card.

Please keep in mind that starting at the bottom and doing a good job are not the way to work your way up in most companies.

The Jennifer Love Hewitt convertible: A little slow, maybe, but the headlights are huge.

Rogaine and Propecia in combination have been found to slow hair loss the most. (Costco's generic store brand of the former only costs about $5 per month.)

If you watch VW's television commercials, you know that other automakers' cars are constantly smashing into them. So it's actually more of an S&M relationship.

It's gray, obsessed with automotive performance, and not at all funny — the new Jag is Jay Leno!

What we really need is a study to find out the relative levels of polyphenols and catechins in these different brands. If the tea loses its health-promoting qualities during processing, you might as well be drinking sweetened water.

Unfortunately, I think it's the incredibly infuriating systems that are most likely to make you swear (I'm talking about you, Delta frequent-flyer line!) that are least likely to include this feature.