Whats the best TV streaming andriod service?
Whats the best TV streaming andriod service?
I just went down this road. I'm currently going to school full time, and working full time. I'm going for electrical engineering. I wouldn't go back to school unless you know EXACTLY what you want to do , and what you want out of it. Now that I know I really enjoy school.
@Dope_danny: great job!
@WillyVWade: The track ball just fell out of my blackberry- I'm currently looking to purchase EVO4g today
@NumbersGuy: Right now train prices are terrible from milwaukee to chicago. I would be on it every weekend if it wasn't $42 roundtrip :/
Wisconsin high speed railroad got canceld and all the money moved to Cali. So you can scratch midwest outa that list.
@sr20spitfirehotrod: You sir have made Adam Sandler funny.
@Ricorich196: I wish they existed!
@Fossa: Murder death kill
Demolition man already knew their future.
Shit was so cash
@Smitty: subarus ftw!
@Enervation: My grandparents have always been into technology. Its the baby boomers that are going to reject it.
Hold my beer while I use this new shovel.
I think microwave oven was kinda discovered that way. [en.wikipedia.org]
@Killjoy: put wings on motorcycle, drive off cliff
@Produce Stand: I also think a big part of it is being really fit.
Monks can do it too
I hope this means more PS3 games for steam. I want to play uncharted.
How was he caught, and what is he being charged with?