The hospital didn't realize they were spending over half a million on printer toners each year?
The hospital didn't realize they were spending over half a million on printer toners each year?
@Ruler of Eden: the rumour goes - Blizzard was contracted by Warhammer to make warcraft. Then Warhammer dropped the project and Blizzard kept it going. The fact is that warhammer has been around a lot longer, and Blizzard makes almost identical copies of fantasy/40k - warcraft/starcraft
Starcraft was ripped off from Warhammer 30k , and blizzard was origonally contracted to make a game(warcraft) , but warhammer stoped funding an blizzard just took it over.
I would like to see it do this.
If you can, do a engine oil analysis with blackstone labs.
I feel like Malwarebytes should have made the list. Best virus scanner I use.
@SkipErnst: Its just these 4.
Why can't nike just sell them online :(
I've been wanted to give this a try for a long time, but never felt comfortable spending $500. I'll be doing this when I get home. Thanks Giz!
I think this would be good if they made it for a PC, and released it to people that develop through steam.
You should do a review of all different types of batteries and how they work. From lemons to []
@JonThomasDesigns: agreed
Thats half the price of a 1:1 space shuttle!
Maybe if it had a switchblade like magnetic strip that could be customizable while in the phone could get rid of the wireless security threat.
@SupaChupacabra: Once you have NA in Risk you almost always win.
@debo matar la zombi goldberry83: or saw just the thumb off
I think they could make a fast action revolutionary war style game. Where maybe your some spy or leading a group of gorilla tactics. Something along the lines of "The Patriot"
I really enjoy this. I'm planning on going back to school for electrical engineer, and I also love to know where everything comes from at the base level.
@mipakr: You should check out Levi's 511 jeans or 514