Ted Naifeh

Sadly, this episode marks a downturn in the season that it never quite recovers from. And despite it's visual flare, the human element in the direction is a bit lackluster. Which is a shame, because Floria Sigismondi directed two of the greatest music videos in history.
Marilyn Manson - Beautiful People

Ugh, there's always Liefeld. Don't remind me.

No, I mean it. I'd love to be able to say I'm as great a writer as Alan Moore and as great an artist as Mike Mignola, but I'd be kidding myself. I can at least say I'm a better artist than Neil Gaiman. Sorry, Neil, one of us had to be second.

Nor the world's greatest letterer, for that matter.

The tricky thing about the Coens is that whatever you think the films mean, there's another layer under it. Here, A. A. Dowd points out existential meaninglessness as at the core of their grand statement, which is hard to deny. Case in point, A Serious Man is all about embracing the mystery.

Patrick Warburton as Superman? Nice. I'd recognize that Brock Sampson voice anywhere.

Ha-ha! Good one. If it had been made today, that would be the last line.

Good point. The best art is open to interpretation. But that doesn't mean that there should be no meaning. It's a delicate balance. That's the audience participation part of storytelling. I find that when you explain too much, the audience feels like they have nothing to do but witness, and feel left out. Subtext

You make good points here, similar to something Bob McKee says in his masterwork of screenplay craft, Story. When you understand clearly what a character wants, why they want it becomes academic.

This is the first real, substantial criticism I've read of this movie. Great work.

This seems to be the fate of superhero shows. They start out fresh, full of possibilities. but nope, they have to look and feel like something we recognize. So nuanced characters become broad, non-super characters die off or get "powers" because normal people are boring, and a simple costume becomes unnecessarily

Spot on.

Am I the only one who gets this movie?

When announcements like this happen, 99% of fan complaints can be summed up as "Why can't this new thing be exactly what I expect?" Answer: because you don't really want that.