
I'm going to disagree with Adobe Reader. It's pretty fast, especially compared to the way it used to be. Foxit, last I tried, was full of pop-ups to upgrade and other pains. Also, for iTunes, I'd suggest the zune software. It's not the fastest media player, but it's got a great UI and grabs media without being

Thanks Giz! Now, is this also true for the poor man's photoshop, Paint.net? Oh, you thought I was going to say the Gimp? Cmon, paint.net is way more the poor man's photoshop.

We got the OG version (or close to) of all products except for the iPhone. Any reason you didn't throw the 2G iPhone up there? #questions #corrections

Why are there three frames of the same photo?

Second. VOTE: WinDirStat

Read over that last paragraph again. We get a complaint about how digital filters are shit, except for instagram because, well, you know, it's not facebook. Look, I'd like to say it's all well and good to talk shit about the unwashed masses and their uninspired photos, but what's the point? Do most people want to take

I don't really agree; let them win all the patents they want! And have HTC, Googorola, Samsung, Microsoft, et al, will all the patents they want! And keep them jealously guarded! And then there they will stay, unused by any other party. Awesome. All those new methods, locked entirely away or under onerous licenses.

Inside: years of financial documents proving, once and for all, that running a casino is a lucrative business, if done right.

Just a note: a magnitude 6.1 earthquake is ~60% more powerful (1.58x) than a magnitude 5.9 earthquake so it's not a tiny, tiny bit higher.

I've got a rack of Crown class a amps/preamps I snagged from my Dad along with some Klipsch Heresy's. He's also got some Klipschorns that we're trying to find a good home for.

Hulu and flash video viewing device. It's great for that.

Yeah, picked up a 32GB at 9AM sharp on Saturday morning. They had two in stock, and I got the second.

Yup, I agree. I ended up grabbing the last Touchpad (32GB) at my local Staples; $150, and worth every penny. Another thing that's great about it? It plays Hulu, and other flash video, really well, right out of the box. That's worth it right there alone.

I'm with @Ryan on this one; HP has ~150,000 employees and enough resources to hack whatever they want. Which makes it sad the Touchpad wasn't any better.

?2^y = x tuoba tahw...hU

Well, the guy was also getting his name plastered all over the web and other outlets; it's not like he was trying to stay anonymous, you know? He got positive, and now negative, press from this. I feel that's a differentiator between this and just slamming a desperate kid.

I dunno, that kid hurt himself pretty bad with his actions. Go read some of the hatemail posts up on the Oatmeal if you want to see some self-inflicted character assassination: [theoatmeal.com]

Sounds about right. The 15-year-old's boss should have learned him a thing or two about business and PR etiquette before sending him out there. I wouldn't worry too much frankly, he'll hopefully have learned from this and he's got plenty of time to get another job.

The caricature of Obama is just wrong; he doesn't really have lips that big. That changes it to being pretty out-and-out racist.

Yes, yes, I was making a wrong and incomplete statement. But, the graph in question (I do apologize for my mistake) does clearly need to be composed of multiple equations. Which isn't saying anything.