

Y is a function of X. And?

I seem to have gone off the wrong end of my argument, so duly noted.


That doesn't invalidate my point; it still couldn't be expressed as a single equation. "An equation is a mathematical statement that asserts the equality of two expressions."

These things pop up from time to time and I just gloss over the fact that they're composite functions. Kinda like seeing a photoshop; move along. Oh, and it's "piecewise" #minornitpick

Functions can't have multiple Y co-ordinates on the same X value; that's a pretty fundamental mathematical concept. I didn't even realize this was in doubt; chalk it up to too many math classes in college.

You get this same feature if you use Microsoft BPOS/Exchange Online like we do at my work.

"diving for only the third time off the coast of an Ancient Greek"

Interested in it enough to make specious arguments though, obviously.

I've definitely found myself in that position. The hover text is the kicker: "What do you want me to do? LEAVE? Then they'll keep being wrong!"

No, that's anti-competitive. The charge is they were colluding to remove a competitive advantage from a competitor; it just happens to be anti-consumer to boot.

Well knock your socks off doing it. I went to the trouble to show you that prices have risen in at least some market segments and you brush it aside because it doesn't conform to your beliefs. Go do some legwork on it and then I'll give your argument some thought.

LOL! Well, tell me how that went. Seriously though, that didn't happen in the least.

That's really pretty great.

I have half a mind just to post this: [xkcd.com]

"The prices will be the same"

It could be a generational thing. My age group grew up with AIM (mid-Nineties) and I saw it wither and die while my friends moved over to GChat. I don't know anyone using facebook chat, but that's probably due to my age (mid-20's). The point I'm making is that AIM had already become largely irrelevant by the time

Having to try and accommodate that bitch Jill, who totally never checks her smart phone and hates ethnic food because, seriously, what the hell is her problem? I can see why Jeff left her for Susan (15 PitA).

Using SMS (0 PitA).