
Intrigued by the 3D camera, interested to see what they can do with UI elements in 3D.

3D photos with are also viewable in (GASP) 2D, so I'm not losing out on anything.

like popping out screen UI elements (see SFIV on the 3DS)

"Two things make 3D worth any semblance of a shit at all: size and content."

Someone would disagree with you on the trident thing.

Hrm, is that confirmed?

The CPU/GPU combo in this is probably the biggest reason I'm excited for it. Dual core and with a much stronger GPU should make this phone significantly better than the EVO (I've had one since launch).

Yeah, this is going to replace my Evo. I'm excited (especially for the new GPU in the Snapdragon).

Big ups for not using Don Cheadle

I'm disappointed that the smart cover doesn't latch to the underside of the iPad when not in use. Might as well throw some in there.

You're pretty much describing the whole of the human condition for most people. You're certainly describing a fair portion of the Giz commenting audience (cmon, lemme see those responses. Yeah!). I mean, listen to you and your friends talk and listen to what you talk about. It's the small, inane, and interesting

I did the math and looked at the percentages from a relative standpoint.

Shouldn't it also be a downside of the iOS platform that 3rd party apps are denied full access to the full speed of the browser?

Well, I think you're wrong. I mean, it appears to be about 50% faster. With clock speed taken into account (assuming that is a linear performance scale), it's still faster by about 20%.

Whatever. I'm waiting for FASHION magazine to feature a man on the cover.

Side note: have you ever listened to Olivia Munn without seeing her face? She seems like someone I want nothing to do with. I listened to her once on Adam Carolla and found myself almost hating her in about 5 minutes.

Pretty simple: durability (should be able to be tossed on table/couch/bed) and hands-free holding of the iPad.

I understand their approach for this, I mean people can abuse the system. But if the user is staying under the 2GB limit (or whatever) on their data account why can't we use that as we see fit? It just feels like AT&T is getting more and more desperate, which feels good in a cathartic sense.

Right, but the processors in question are running the same core architecture. There are some really good comments further down that describe the difference between the A4 and the Samsung Hummingbird (very similar). So their relative speed on this CPU-limited task should scale linearly.

As I understand it Android gives apps more low-level access to parts of the OS which includes the full browser; Apple sandboxes (as Ricorich196 indicated) to such a degree that the full Safari implementation is ignored and the apps get access to just the base webkit engine (or similar).