
he's like the Apple Fanboy version of Gizmodo when you think about it.

It's Gruber, therefore it is irrelevant.

It's right there in the title (unless they edited it): Web App Slowdown

Well Apple should probably get their shit together. Well, not really. It's not that big of a deal; it's only a second here and a second there right? It's just bragging rights. #AndroidRocks

I'm going to have to disagree in upgrading. If you have an iPad and you don't live in an iOS centric house (or you don't use facetime) there's no real good reason to upgrade. The OG iPad is still plenty fast, the screen still looks good, battery life is still great, and it's not that heavy. The only two

1GHz/.8GHz = 1.25; Android should be 25% faster than Apple in that case.

So they must be trying to get this out the door ASAP, else why would they abstain from including magnets into the case? Hrm, it's not doing it for me.

Well, there is significant science on radiation levels, and that's the sort of thing that makes frequent air travel something to think about and occasional x-rays a-ok. Although the situation has changed since the original post, at the time the radiation release was acceptable.

That's a much nicer explanation. But seeing as that hasn't prevented some companies from resting on their laurels (coughFACEBOOKcough) I'd wager it wouldn't hurt too bad to enable this.

Just, you know, FYI, the retina display is unlikely to happen. I mean they could bump the pixels up by a bit, but to quadruple the count like they did on the iPhone would mean having a 2048 x 1536 screen, and that's unlikely. Even more telling is Job's insistence on not comparing specs; he knows the iPad is going to

I've been wondering why this option hasn't been provided by Apple, because I can literally think of no reason, that isn't overtly cynical, for why it hasn't happened. From a cynical standpoint, I would guess that Apple hasn't enabled this to drive sales of more expensive iPad versions of Apps.

When I accidentally killed the battery on my OG zune (when attempting to swap the HDD out for a physically matching 30GB SSD) I moved to my phone full time. I have an EVO with an 8GB card and use Doggcatcher. So much better; I never need to sync anything to a computer again, I can download podcasts at any point, and I

It's impressive that AT&T hasn't lost more subscribers.

Just some technical background on what's happening with this reactor from my dad (a nuclear engineer) as of yesterday:

Really nice video. Lemme snark: trying to get on Apple's good graces? Ok, snark done. Seriously, very nice video.

friendly is great. They're so smart about it, about how the iPad is used. They support multiple accounts in a way no other iPad app I've used does, which is a big deal (my wife and I both use the iPad all the time).

ok, YOU totally earned your commenting rights with that right there. Bravo.

This is what we need to see more of, but actually, fully supported by Mozilla. They're showing some Microsoft-like response times and Google is just outclassing them in development.