
Does anyone still use Foxit? Last time I used it there was crapware attached to it and it had become bloated. After Adobe rewrote their PDF reader to be faster and lighter I moved myself completely off of Foxit. It reminds me of what happened with Norton; AVG released a fast, lightweight, and free version that kicked

The Adobe solution is useful for those looking to create PDFs that the user can fill out, or can be electronically signed, or need an comprehensive and hyperlinked Table Of Contents. It's also the best PDF editing tool out there. I used it for a while, but it really tends to be overkill for most of what I need to do.

That's not surprising. I mean how many more devices would reliably be able to pull data off of the 3G connection at that point anyway?

As long as he doesn't add in anymore bad CGI Jabba's, or extra Tatooine background junk, and they get the 3D conversion right, I'll go see Revenge through Return.

I'll take your couch burning and raise you one: [jesss-mess.tressugar.com] (at the end is a naked guy jumping over a burning couch).

Well, it could be the redneck nature of creating a house-chemical-and-tin-foil bomb to scare away feral cats more than the location.

I'm with you too. Just keep in mind taking that to your agent may result in "winning".

I think the case is what I would like the most on my G1 iPad. Although my incase brand case has kept my iPad undeniably pristine, it adds so much bulk to the device that it never seems as slim and sleek as it really is.

Maybe, but it's got a lot of aluminum to dissipate that heat. Frankly, the only mobile device that gets warm when I'm using it is my EVO (and only in the battery area). It gets about that hot when I'm charging it too. I haven't felt my iPad get hot at all, so I don't think it's going to be an issue.

It's different; the ARM chips don't really get hotter generation to generation. I mean they do, but not in the way that x86 and GPU chips get hotter. Since they indicate the power draw is the same, the heat dissipation will be the same as well.

No, it supports rotation. Seems weird, will probably be fine.

Hrm, yeah, but I don't see how that falls under "except". It's not like it doesn't make sense now; I was referencing the GPU power in the chipset which was previously thought to support a retina display.

No higher res screen; that makes sense. Retina display on an iPad would be a ridonkulous amount of GPU power. 1080p output, now that totally makes sense.

eh, I would need more verification. It doesn't seem to read in his tone.

It's Best Buy; their margins are low and people are smart enough to say no to the extended warranty, so of course what the company does next is scummy. I'd consider the predatory HDMI cable pricing to be pretty scummy too.

I had hesitantly come to the same Core i5 conclusion yesterday but, frankly, I'm glad I now have a solid reason to talk myself out of getting the i7-2500k for an upcoming build.

If you're up for trying and expanding your horizons give something like Lindemans Framboise Lambic a go; it's fruity and doesn't really taste like beer (technically it's not, it's a lambic). Also, take a look here ([www.slashfood.com] ) and here ([www.thebrewsite.com] ).