
So you're complaining in the comments section about how people are complaining to much in the comments section? I'm complaining about you complaining about people complaining about the redesign.

You're wrong. He HAS bought the Winklevoss' several times over already.

Sour grapes; it's the business world. Move fast, be deceptive, make money. "People like that don't get very far. They get nowhere really." $6B would argue otherwise.

I don't think that'll happen. I mean, technically you CAN do that with a laptop (I think MSI released a base platform like a barebones laptop), but that really doesn't happen. The minimism is pretty striking though.


It almost feels like they're cheating doesn't it?

This isn't a news website! THIS! IS! GIZMODO!

So now we know which douchebags keep resetting the Halo controls to inverted. Thanks a lot Apple.

That looks like two very modest machines there under the desk

Same reason iPod Touch owners had to pay $10 for updates, so it's probably poorly thought out accounting. I mean, they should have had this figured out.

Yup. Looks like it's only the cables that need to go through this; it's done on the other sections.

Let's see if Apple can match any portion of Google's or Palm/HP's phone-cloud setups. Anything would be better than what they have now.

Just because people buy it doesn't mean that it's actually good. I mean look how many people owned Blackberries when it was the only game on the market.

yeah, I'm pretty certain my ears are shot for anything better than the couple hundred dollar range audio sources.

True, but it doesn't apply for most of us. Pretty much, 24 bit audio is going to do jack for 98% of end users. The big positive though is the availability of 24-bit tracks for those that CAN enjoy it (assuming sell-through is good enough to keep it going). I'm not among this group, but I applaud the greater

Shouldn't Gizmodo's twitter feed just RT this? Shouldn't half of the Giz stories just be retweets anyway?

This just in: old people hate young people!