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    It’s useful to not think of it as a notch that’s been cut out, but rather a dedicated notification display area that’s been added. Android is perfect for notched phones, because that middle top of the screen is naturally empty most of the time. The practical upshot is that notifications sneak out of the way, and you

    Hell yeah. I’m an IPA fan, but most of the bars in Portland have a ludicrous number of taps devoted to total hop bombs. A sour in every draft list all summer long would fix my whole shop.

    >The Dust isn’t actually some malevolent organism or alien bacteria; it’s an endless swarm of medical nanomachines that were designed to heal people but became corrupted over time and now just turn people into zombies.

    Man, if you’re going to steal Doctor Who premises —beat for beat—, might as well steal the best ones,

    Having read down the thread here: I think it’s probably important to point out that liberals are just as capable of sexual harassment, mistreating women in the workplace, and creating toxic workplace cultures as conservatives. The undeniable fact that the alt-right is a hardcore misogynist movement doesn’t mean that

    FWIW, I’m a gay person who thinks you were shockingly arrogant and barely coherent in this argument, and who completely disagrees with your basic premise, which you made more difficult to agree with or even understand by being a huge jackass for no reason.

    >Capitalism, even taken to its extremes, would not want to kill off its entire customer base (there is no profit in that)

    Hey, you turned out to be right!

    Would you, and I don’t want to get too explicit here...salad fork Michael?

    It depends. Do you intend to, in the parlance of the White House, “move on her like a bitch”?

    you’re supposed to use bills at the strip club. you’re not supposed to swipe.

    Yeah, but it was in that week’s Newsweek. They based it on something. Even if that something is essentially unconfirmable.

    i’m just glad those bananas aren’t $4.20

    bananas are $.69?


    You’re the first person I’ve heard interpret that as a dudebro joke. Pretty much everyone else interpreted that as a veiled accusation against Weinstein.

    You’re insane. This lyric only makes sense the way Darnielle, you know, *wrote* it.

    There’s been a longstanding rumor that someone did indeed dip a page from Vogue in Versace’s blood mere moments after he was shot.

    Nah, we really wouldn’t, dog! Like not even a little bit. But have your bad self an eldritch little Christmas anyway.

    Imagine if your therapeutic options for dealing with childhood trauma included the option of dressing up in body armor and beating the living shit out of the poor and mentally dispossessed. The rich: they’re just like us.

    And reaching his hand out, as if to grope an invisible, unwitting teen just out of his reach.

    They’re a whole family of very strong technical comedians and related multi-hyphenates (Justin is a video producer, Griffin is an editor, Travis is an actor), and their gimmick on some of their projects is that they’re brothers with a uniquely strong bond. All of their content is “about” something. It’s still comedy.