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    Net migration from Mexico is negative. So that’s not, you know, a worthwhile goal.

    Now playing

    There’s a classic Reginald D. Hunter bit about Batman that gets to the heart of what you’re talking about. “I don’t respect the concept of Batman because of what I understand about politics...he doesn’t mess with the Murdochs or the Trumps, he really just fuck with the purse snatchers on the corner.”

    Season 3 is so far the best season Rick and Morty, which is proof positive that adding gender diversity to a writers’ room is a great way to improve your show. It’s completely unfuckingshocking that some idiots would be threatened by that.

    “Drone” link goes to some dodgy-looking activated charcoal toothpaste.

    “Drone” link goes to some dodgy-looking activated charcoal toothpaste.

    Even from the examples you give, she was by far the best part of Joy and was completely excellent in at least the first, second, and fourth Hunger Gameses, and she was terrific (albeit maybe miscast?) in First Class.

    On top of that, she was off-the-charts great in Winter’s Bone and the other David O. Russell movies she



    As a longtime Giz, Kotaku, and Lifehacker reader who’s drifted away because of the sheer awfulness of Kinja, it’s sad to watch the AV Club die the same way. Goodbye. This wonderful website is really going to be missed, and I didn’t even know it was going.

    There's a serious point to it. The fascists showed up to Charlottesville with an unreal number of guns. People in the counterprotests are going to continue getting killed. SNL doesn't want deaths on its hands.


    Not to mention using Across 110th St. better than the actual movie.

    Kill Bill Vol. 2 is probably my second favorite of his, yeah. It's so much slower and richer than the first one. Yum.

    Not just growing older, but feeling like as a black woman you've run out of the roles that society is willing to let you inhabit. The way the movie's intro has Grier walking slowly, then half-running, then sprinting just to get to her shitty job—just to be told by Keaton's ATF guy, sorry, I'm leveraging the crappy

    YES. I've always thought that. There's a universe where Tarantino became "the feminist crime movie guy" instead of the "stylized violence guy" and I want to live in that one instead.

    The Kermode and Mayo podcast is consistently lovely, if you're a fan.

    It's meditative, observant, and reaches for emotional and social truth. It's deeply, passionately, intersectionally feminist, in a way that Tarantino would never even attempt again. If you're invested in its themes, it's riveting, every second of the way.

    That was a tense scroll. Thank you for putting my favorite movie of all time in at #1.

    >I do not like ideologues in colleges teaching young people that all whites are evil.

    If you keep moving goalposts that fast, you'll never have to be pinned down on your borrowed Fox News talking points. I'm not angry because you accused the left of not reaching out to poor whites (nor have I ever been), I'm angry because you're scapegoating my people (and, like, transgender college professors? what

    >Friendo, are you saying the left cares as much about poor whites as they do correct pronouns?

    Yeah, and we haven't heard anything from Bernie Sanders since then. He's really been out of the fucking conversation since a blogger no one's heard of criticized his racial justice bona fides.