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    Yeah, obviously high-minded NYT editorials and public debate didn't stop the Nazis the first time. When the Nazis started invading other countries, we shot them, and when the war was over, we prosecuted and executed the ones that were left. I don't cry for the dozens of unarmed Nazis that American soldiers shot at

    In a heartbeat. And you're right, I'm doubtful there'll be quantifiable evidence either way. I'm just betting my thing turns out to be more true than your thing.

    >I'm thinking that practically speaking, encouraging violence in the place of political discourse might not be the best road for us to go down.

    If it turns out that the humiliation of crying on TV seriously damages Dick Spencer's ability to recruit racists and credibly promote a racist, genocidal agenda, will you change your mind?

    What the fuck?

    We should have fought Hitler because of his ideas, because his ideas were to murder millions of his own people for effectively PR and economic reasons and those were violent, terrible ideas. If Hitler had been punched in the face the moment he'd said "hey, maybe let's blame prominent members of the banking community

    The slippery slope argument is almost always ridiculous. Human beings are good at slippery slopes. We've known how to build stairs for ages.

    I thought Smulders and Arnett were completely perfect and I was mildly stunned they haven't been cast as husband + wife in anything before. Their scenes were my favorites YMM aggressively V with this show.

    Although both are delicious.

    The Pacific Northwest has the remarkably good Townshend's Fernet, distilled from region-signature ingredients like hops, Douglas fir, and birch bark. Townshend's is a tea company, which (uniquely) creates spirits (like gin, vodka, and liqueurs) directly from batches of brewed tea.

    The first trailer made me well up a little bit, so it's already won.

    What kind of day has it been?

    Milo's basically a warning against waking up hung over and getting your self-tanner mixed up with your self-loathing in the bathroom.

    You're not just sentimental. That was devastating.

    I nasty-sobbed my way through the reconciliation scene.

    [footage not found]

    Sent me off to a foreign land/to go and kill the Hey Nong Man

    By elevating it above its usual utter shitness?

    Dick, chuck, none of it sounds good.

    C'mon, bro, we're in post-fact America.