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    Or muster proof, really.

    It's telling that even though he won, he's still complaining about the goddamn riggers.

    That bee incest joke is way funnier at 4x speed.

    You don't need to shout that directly into my c*ck.

    You don't want to mix your uppers and downers like that.

    Heh. Elected officials don't have the best luck in Marvel properties in general.

    Isn't there a 2013 newspaper in Iron Man 3? I always assumed IM3 was either December 2013 or ran Dec-Jan.

    Right, you always elect a Republican after an alien invasion. That's just good sense.

    The timeline would also work if he lost in 2012 to Ellis as the Republican nominee.

    I'm tickled by it. That's exactly what they're going for. They're really pouring on the love for LC's blaxploitation roots.

    …of Boogie Down Productions fame. The fight that killed Scott La Rock originally started over a domestic involving D-Nice. It's sort of amazing anybody survived the 1980s.

    I have to say, when I first read your comment, I anticipated the phrase "gleefully swatting their relatives" to mean that you were going to propose an ethical scale of human/animal/plant suffering incorporating people punching parents and siblings in the face.

    Peter Wohlleben isn't a scientist any more than I am. He's a forest ranger. Stefano Mancuso is one guy, and plant neurobiology is fiercely controversial amongst plant scientists, largely because it's extremely difficult to make the leap from the evolutionarily efficient behavior of signaling and response to costly

    There's a cladistic distinction between pain and other types of responses. Plants don't have complex central nervous systems, opioid receptors, or basal ganglia. Pain is evolutionarily costly and is really only present in motile organisms. Plants do not have the biological capability to suffer.

    Not borderline: yummy, yummy, non-motile, non-feeling oysters.

    I like the flavor. Plus, veggie patties are lower in calories and saturated fats, don't touch your colon cancer risk, don't leak all over your hands (portability!), and have more dietary fiber.

    Hey! You can't say Dick Wolf on television!

    Extra secret spoiler: Al Pacino is excellent in both. (Look closely!)

    I just cackled quite loudly, but I'm blaming that partially on the wine I'm drinking.

    Basically pointless addition to the conversation (sorry) but I was an affluent *boy* in an affluent white community and head shaving because of lice was totally a (class) thing—amongst boys, at least. I remember at least one horrifying incident of related bullying. Rich whites! We learn douchebaggery at home!