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    Don't you dare. Don't.

    The whole point of the show is that it's a deconstructive expansion of those 90 minute Amblin movies. The charm of Stranger Things is entirely in its long-form nuances: setting stock 80s characters and plots breathe with a little more complexity, grounding, and resonance; expanding a scope which might naturally run

    Which isn’t all that harsh, because after all, Winter Soldier was a pretty great movie.

    My polling, My Polling is Dropping, is dropping.

    And movies from the 80s are riddled with cigarette continuity errors. Cigarettes and liquids in a glass are about the two worst props to use.

    not really? you don't have to believe a thing is correct to not respond snidely to it while pretending not to understand it?

    Counterpoint, you're probably capable of enough nuance to realize that there's a broader point being raised, namely, a certain kind of reactionary pabulum being enabled by the Republican candidate which threatens to boil over into all-out European-style right-wing nationalism and racial loathing—the open expression of

    Just because it's stupid doesn't mean it's true!

    it's pretty clear that she scoped the audition space beforehand. it takes a lot of work to look that nonchalant.

    God damn, I take all of your points. Well fucking put.

    Enjoy living to 45 :) Personally, I’ll enjoy the benefits of modern medicine. Not to mention marrying who I like and listening to the Beatles.

    I didn’t imply it was prejudicial. I stated it was insufficiently representative. You seem to agree.

    It’s a 140m *test*, it’s not transit spending. The point is that there’s a logic to spending that money, while there’s no logic to your suggestion of federally subsidizing Uber rides. That would be a really pointless way of spending a fairly small amount of money.

    I don’t think you read the linked article about trains

    Two world wars…and one World Cup.

    Win some thrones, lose some kids. When you play the game of thrones, you meh or you die.

    I'm not sure she's canonically fireproof, or if the fireproofness simply extends to moments of magic or personal crisis or symbolic rebirth. She's certainly heat-resistant in everyday life. Either way, the fireproofing is magical, so I'm not sure it'd extend to banalities like gut flora or intestinal worms—her

    Wait, is this feature really called Binge and Purge? Like…a bulimia reference?

    Fair point. We don't know what Rhaegar told her about Aerys, though. Aegon makes way more sense as a name, it just looks like the name starts with an A and sounds like it ends with an "ess" sound.

    And that's how Aerys, Third of his Name, of Houses Targaryen and Stark, Azor Ahai, The Prince That was Promised, King in the North, King of the Andals, Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, and Defender of the Realm got stomach worms…by overpaying for a dead bannerman's mutton.