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    You think? I'll have to rewatch.

    I think those two are strongest in the running. I swear I can hear an "ess" sound, which would make it Aerys, but it's subtle.

    I don’t think it’s a blood purity thing, I think it’s a narrative coherence and political sense thing. Marrying the prospective conqueror of the Seven Kingdoms to the King in the North and establishing an independent political alliance would finally unify the 7K (remember Sansa and Joff?) and feels narratively almost

    I think her *disposition* when giving birth certainly matters. She seemed about as elated about the child as you can be while dying…it didn't feel like she was kidnapped or trapped, and her only thought was of protecting Rhaegar's heir. That was a love baby.

    She makes a closed "a" looking lip shape and then you can hear a distinct "ess"…Aerys seems incredibly likely.


    Probably his Facebook profile picture when he made his account. The real name gives it away.

    You'd never call Bill "Governor Clinton" any more. The somewhat antiquarian mode of address rule you're thinking of is the "one at a time" rule (former judges, generals, and senators can keep using their titles all they want, for instance), and Arkansas also only has one governor at a time. Formally, you'd call him

    Did that really stand out to you? I work in marketing communications and Goebbels jokes are kind of a known quantity. I'm sure I've made one in the past. Seemed a very Amyish thing to say.

    I haven't seen much of Full Frontal…is running clips from In The Loop just a normal thing they do? That's amazing.

    I live in Portland. I am ALREADY soft and compliant to communism.

    Yeah, burning a lot of time on an ultimately fruitless plot is something they woulda done in earlier seasons just to shock you—the new Thrones is so much more efficient.

    Her plan was to bargain for her brother's freedom and then back out of the bargain, possibly when her grandmother returns with the full force of the Tyrell army—I'm not sure it was more complicated than that, and her plan was almost finished when the sept went kablooie.

    You know, the answers to almost all of your hypothetical questions are actually available, and are a pretty simple internet search away.

    >Science isn’t the solution, it’s the problem.

    Ha! A sample size of 50 vehicles in testing against 269,000,000 regular vehicles...yes, that seems adequate to draw a conclusion. AVs have never been involved in a fatality—does that mean AVs in the marketplace will have a zero fatality rate? Of course not.

    I don’t understand your second point at all. $140,000,000. That’s a little over, say, five thousand taxi drivers’ annual salaries. We could federally fund 1-2% of the entire hire car workforce for a single year. Why on earth would we do that? How does that make any kind of positive contribution?

    Yes, exactly. And if you let motorcars run rampant on the streets, no one will know how to ride a horse or drive a buggy any more—and what will happen to those valuable, essential skills? We should definitely intentionally hobble technology to support our antiquarian economic structure, that’s always worked in the

    I live in Portland and have the unique pleasure of being justifiably annoyed at hipsters for ruining my teeth.