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    The AV Club

    The fact that a 7 doesn't look that much like a V is the biggest problem with that movie.

    But the biblical wise men are so moreish.

    ACII was funny and lighthearted beyond that, too. The games weren't all incredibly grim!dark.

    To corroborate, the album was an indie monster/badge of hipster knowledge pride when I was in high school in 2006. I evangelized for it to an embarrassing degree.

    Art Parkinson plays Rickon.

    It's hard to tell how seriously to take the show's depiction of the HoBaW/Faceless hijinks. It's always seemed like a possibility that they're much like Mel—a certain amount of Asshai-style glamoring and simple tricks, combined with a lot of self-myth-making.

    I've been assuming that the Waif is a character designed by the HoBaW trainers specifically to piss Arya off. Efficiency in training and all that. Actually, I've been trying to figure out if there's a way she could be Syrio, because she knows Arya really really well.

    Mostly, but read a little Laura Mulvey—you can subvert the male gaze with reliable audience effect because most cinema is structured around it, meaning women will reliably "get" these kinds of scenes in the way you want. Doesn't excuse the system, just means these kinds of scenes work consistently.

    >here it seems like a result of seeing Jon Snow dead, and she doesn't really know him.
    Not sure how thoroughly this has been confirmed on the show, but she's only at Castle Black because she thought Jon might be the Azor Ahai she was looking for after all. She feels like she's failed two potential saviors of the realms

    I think you've hit on it. I don't get the feeling it's a network problem, I think it's a "finding a voice" problem. If you listen to the podcasts, clearly Colbert wanted to get away from TCR material while finding a very sincere, earnest, smart, polished comedic voice for himself. You can see the beginnings of that

    It's worth noting that Oliver's most successful bits are almost as long as an entire Colbert Show episode (15+ minute deep dive to 22min with commercials). His Government Surveillance piece with Ed Snowden alone is 33 minutes long and has 12 million YT views. It's almost cruel having Oliver on, because he proves you

    If you say "grass-type starter" three times, Bayleef appears.

    So maybe it's not smart to produce movies based on thirty guys on a fan forum?

    Based on the internet, it seems like more people want a Rachet & Clank porno.

    He might just take your fingers, but then there's a risk that his sister Will Remember That.

    If it's not true, then Beyonce is a monster who's trying to destroy her husband for no reason. Let's assume it's true.

    Really? Obama has gotten a lot more done than Bartlett, he rises to a similar level of oratory, his wife is just as kick-ass, and he comes with the added benefit of having the most scandal-free two terms in recent memory. It's not an uncomplicated legacy, but on paper, Obama is twice the liberal fantasy that Bartlett