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    Which one?

    There have only been two Avengers movies, and one of them was really good.

    Oh, right! I forgot it came out after Iron Man. Given the movie's reception and the Hulk recasting and so on, I would guess Marvel's unofficial attitude is "please, for fuck's sake, don't think about it too hard."

    In the sentence "Pontias Pilate does space pilates with space pirates", I find it impossible to pronounce "pirates" any other way than "puh-RAT-ease".

    Thankfully, neither appear to still be in continuity.

    You know, space pirates. They do space pilates.


    You can't trust Melanie, but you can always trust Melanie to be Melanie.

    I know Cap'n Jack is ostensibly bisexual and versatile, but if John Barrowman wanted to make that convincing, he could've turned off the bossy bottom energy every once in a while.

    Khaki Dockerman.

    "Cunning hat" always sounded like a rude spoonerism, but it isn't. Not like "cunning stunt" is.

    Stage Cameraman? Pretty sure that's pronounced Hot Saucerman.

    *tightens anus*

    Amazon Prime Streaming is terrible, this is right on the money.

    It'll never work.

    Why, ol' Lex Luthor? I think it's safe to assume that crazy kook has something dastardly up his sleeve, him and his wily ways.

    I thought that was totally a gloating "You can't acknowledge that you know each other's secrets in public" kind of thing.

    I was pretty sure it was a Donald Glover biopic at first.

    "THAT'S the color purple!"

    Since when is AMC broadcast TV?