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    Only if it is crushed to the consistency of glitter, presumably.

    > I wanted Rand Paul. (I won't even say "best of a bad bunch." I genuinely like him, even if I think he's more useful as a senator.

    Haha we have totally opposite opinions. I love the film and series 4 because they're so reflective of politics I knew about growing up. Iraq War satire and the coalition are more relatable to me than extremely obscure, inside-baseball ministry politics during a sorta Blair government.

    Disagreeing is totally your prerogative. Series 1-2 are only a couple episodes each and I think they're very choppy. I think things sort of coagulate with the specials, with series 3 and 4 becoming increasingly confident. 3 and 4 were made after the movie, which is really the best episode of the show….

    The seasons get consistently better, much like The Thick Of It. It does take a while to find its timbre.

    The Olympics are about international collaboration/friendly competiton and global spectacle, right? I don't think people really give a crap which athlete they've never heard of happens to take gold in the long run. People remember the opening ceremony and the political drama, and the achievements of *their* athletes.

    With or without Eddie, nobody would remember who won the gold at the Calgary ski jump. Individual achievement isn't so much the point of the Olympics.

    I'm with you. I love 30 Rock, but the periodic forays into very uncomfortable racial territory are…unfortunate. (Some of the Tracy material skates very close to the line too.) Tina Fey sort of acknowledged this: https://youtu.be/r9F-b_TDPS…

    Oh Josh. You raised yourself up tonight.

    Wait, Jennifer Garner pegs Ben Affleck? And what does that have to do with the Grammys?

    The Episode VIII Production Announcement gets my respect for being truly supreme trolling. They even cut off the amazing music. It's very funny.

    Sounds like you might have some authoritative knowledge. Do tell?

    "'What's wrong with scene-by-scene remakes?' — Shia LaBoeuf" — DerBrunoStroszek

    Shoulda gone with a Wes 401-Kraven

    How much wroth would an Eli wroth if Eli could wroth wroth?

    But Of Montreal's early stuff WAS better, so I think your point stands.

    I did as well. I think they smuggled at least 6-8 cuts in there during the weightful, bottom-of-parabola parts. (If it'd been single-take, they undoubtedly would have said that!)

    Before you succumb to temptation and trash OK Go's music, just remember that Coldplay just played the Super Bowl. It could be so much worse.

    Hey, man. Possession of bovines is discouraged.

    I spent three or four seconds trying to figure out how to type out the lead-in to "My Sharona" before giving up. Suffice it to say there was a miiii-chelada joke in there somewhere.