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    You're right. (Except that I think you understate just how fucking expensive and difficult it is to keep a secret with a big Hollywood movie. Look at how much has leaked from SWTFA, and that might be the most jealously and exuberantly spoiler-protected film ever.)

    Sure, but Lost sustained great storytelling for **several seasons.** (At least three, no matter how you slice it.) It didn't just have narrative payoff at the 2-hour level, it had narrative payoff at the 23-hour level. You can really overemphasize the fact that it failed over seven seasons or whatever, given that

    I'm sure he can afford big rolls. He's done very well, I suspect he can get high-quality Italian-style hoagies at the very minimum.

    I wouldn't say moral compromise is as essential to the noir **protagonist** as vulnerability, disorientation, and the confrontation of difficult moral choices with no clear right answer. There's academic dispute here. https://books.google.com/bo…

    F4nt4st1c 4 4 15 f4nt4st1c!

    Convert them to what? Welshness?


    From what I hear, he was good in a shit film. Hard to blame a turd that big on the actors, anyway.

    I've never been so happy to be completely wrong, because you reminded me that The Killing and Spartacus were movies. I know what I'm rewatching tonight!

    You're going to throw George C. Scott in my face? I don't think my precious bodily fluids can handle it.

    That's not cut-and-dried. Kubrick's films have some truly dire performances, and actors just *hated* working under those conditions. Jack Nicholson vowed to never work with him again after The Shining, which set the record for the highest takes of a single dialogue scene, largely due to the director's grueling abuse

    When did Skyrim 4 come out? I’ve been playing Skyrim 3 for ages.

    Just so you know, I read this.

    Yes. Are you wrong professionally? Is that your job?

    Speaking as a marketing guy, I love cannons. Cheap shot bro.

    How do you ask that question rhetorically? The answer was one of the main themes of the movie.

    He’s on my 5. You know what I’m talking about.

    We’re not like vegans. The average atheist won’t bring it up. We’ll totally bring up the fact that we haven’t brought it up, though. We’re pretty didactic motherfuckers by definition.

    No, it was right on. The Martian was awesome and I’m totally going to see it again. Don’t lose your faith in hype yet!

    A horse-sized duck would be unable to breathe or support its own weight, so there's that.